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Reform manifesto released – Latest: Farage appears most likely to keep things on track in new poll after contract launch

Reform manifesto released – Latest: Farage appears most likely to keep things on track in new poll after contract launch


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Hours after publishing his manifesto to reform Britain, Nigel Farage not only topped the charisma ratings in a new poll, but was also found to be the most likely to say what that would be.

The deal pledged to stop all illegal immigrants from settling in the UK, scrap the net zero target and raise the minimum income tax threshold to 20,000 a year.

Speaking at a community center in south Wales, he admitted his party would not win the general election but aims to be the next prime minister by 2029.

His plan has been questioned as not being serious enough that it would require $141 billion in additional spending, three times more than what Liz Truss promised in her mini-budget.

A Sunday Times poll at the weekend predicted Farage would beat Clacton-backed Conservative Giles Watling by a narrow 31% margin. The survey of 22,000 people also predicted Reform UK would win seven seats.

At the weekend, Suella Braverman said she would invite Mr Farage back to the party. But Foreign Secretary Cameron disagreed. He said Mr Farage was being incredibly divisive and trying to tear down the Conservative Party.

Key PointsShow Latest Updates 1718676000From Dawn Butlers Rap to Suellas Viral Clip, This TikTok Election Isn't Working

Luckily, there are still people in the UK willing to step up and show what it really means to cower. Unfortunately, they are the ones who run our political institutions and make our laws. And since election season, you can be sure they've used the magic of social media to take their arrogant (and worthy) antics to a whole new level.

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Holly EvansJune 18, 2024 03:00

1718672400Labor Party promises to promote soccer governance reform

Labor has pledged to push for football governance reforms if elected and has suggested a 10% transfer tax could be discussed again.

Sir Keir Starmer announced on Monday that Labor plans to introduce its own football governance bill to prevent defections and ensure lower tier clubs are financially sustainable.

Shadow culture and sport secretary Thangam Debbonaire was asked during a visit to Bristol Rovers Football Club with Sir Keir whether he would consider reinstating the transfer levy, which was recommended in the 2021 fan-led review but not adopted by the Conservatives in their version. Bill.

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Holly EvansJune 18, 2024 02:00

Labor says Sunak either doesn't understand his manifesto or is lying.

Labor said Rishi Sunak either does not understand the costs of his manifesto or is lying to the British public again.

Shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth said: Either Rishi Sunak does not understand the projected costs of his manifesto or he is lying to the British public again.

The simple truth is, as Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt revealed today, there is no money in his plans.

He hasn't learned any lessons from Liz Truss and his family will be hit hard by a mortgage rise of 4,800 to pay for the Tories' five years of economic failure.

Now is the time to turn the page and rebuild Britain with Labor.

Holly EvansJune 18, 2024 01:00

1718665200Going for the jugular with personal attacks won't save Rishi Sunak anymore

Holly EvansJune 18, 2024 00:00

1718661657Labour seeks to block Farage from becoming MP, campaign group confirms after collapse in Tory vote

The claims come as part of the group's wider tactical voting analysis published this morning for 451 seats across the UK, including plans to oust Chancellor Rishi Sunak, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt and his predecessor Liz Truss.

The news broke as Farage unveiled a reform deal with the people of Wales, a version of his party's manifesto and declared he would become prime minister in 2029.

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Holly EvansJune 17, 2024 23:00

Reform for Britain Britain's blueprint is unpleasant, reckless and extreme.

Holly EvansJune 17, 2024 22:30

1718658057Who will be the Labor general election candidate running against Nigel Farage in Clacton?

If you want to pantomime politics, Sir Keir Starmer said this at the party's manifesto launch last week: I hear Claxton is good this time of year.

The Labor leaders' comments were a not-so-subtle rebuke of Nigel Farage, leader of Britain's Reform Party. He began his political comeback in the Essex seat.

But Labor candidate Jovan Owusu-Nepaul will hope he can persuade voters in the seat to block Farage's bid for an eighth seat in parliament.

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Holly EvansJune 17, 2024 22:00

What does Nigel Farage hope to achieve with his reform election pledge?

Holly Evans17 Jun 2024 21:41

1718656257Snooker legend Ronnie OSullivan supports Faiza Shaheen after Labor spat over social media posts.

In a video with Mr Shaheen, the snooker legend said he was voting for a candidate who clearly represented a big part of the community.

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Holly EvansJune 17, 2024 21:30

UK immigration policy is the biggest challenge to Scottish economic growth, says Forbes.

Scotland's Deputy First Minister has warned that Britain's policy on immigration is the biggest challenge to economic growth.

Kate Forbes has accused the Conservatives and Labor of ignoring Scottish demands during the general election campaign.

She called on the political parties forming the next UK government to work with the SNP to develop a tailored immigration system suited to the specific challenges facing Scotland's energy, agriculture and tourism industries.

The First Minister said: Immigration is probably the biggest challenge facing the Scottish economy right now and it is inexcusable that all Westminster parties are completely ignoring Scotland's specific needs as they fight for right-wing voters in the UK.

The UK’s immigration policy is actively harming Scotland’s economic growth and prosperity and a tailored immigration system suited to Scotland’s specific circumstances is long overdue.

Kate Forbes has urged opponents to develop a better migration strategy for Scotland. (Jane Barlow/PA) (PA Wire)

Holly EvansJune 17, 2024 21:05




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