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What does Reform UK’s manifesto say about LGBTQ+ issues?

What does Reform UK’s manifesto say about LGBTQ+ issues?


Reform UK has published its manifesto for the 2024 general election (JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

Nigel Farage has launched Reform UK's manifesto for the general election, pledging to “ban transgender ideology” from schools, including halting social transitions if the party is elected.

Farage launched the party's platform, which he called a 'contract' with British voters, on Monday afternoon (June 17) in Merthyr Tydfil, south Wales.

The 25-page document, which is much shorter than manifestos published by other political parties, outlines how the right-wing party will “secure Britain's future as a free, proud and independent sovereign nation” on issues such as immigration, the economy, health and education; there is. .

What does the UK Reform Declaration say about LGBTQ+ issues?

The LGBTQ+ commitments in Reform UK's manifesto focus on the trans community.

Reform UK Chairman Richard Tice (left) and Representative Nigel Farage launch the 'Contract with You' general election manifesto in Merthyr Tydfil, England, 17 June 2024. (Jeff Caddick/Getty Images)

In its opening statement, the party cited multiculturalism and “divisive ideologies” it blasted, saying “transgender indoctrination is causing irreparable harm to children.”

“An unprecedented population explosion has pushed Britain to the breaking point,” Farage wrote in a statement. “There is a housing crisis. Benefits crisis. Record the crime. Note the NHS waiting list. Wages are stagnating. Energy costs have skyrocketed due to Net Zero. It's making us poorer and colder, damaging British industry and taking drivers off the roads.

“The Tories have broken Britain. Labor will bankrupt Britain. A vote for either is a vote for more incompetence, dishonesty and defeat. The two-party system has failed. We are ruled by an alienated political class that has turned its back on its country.

“But there is an alternative. “Now the British people can make common-sense choices about reforming our country.”

Ban ‘transgender ideology’ and mandate same-sex spaces

The party said in its education section that it would ban 'transgender ideology' – a term widely seen as an anti-transgender whistleblower – in both primary and secondary schools.

“There are no gender questions, social transitions, or pronoun swapping. Inform parents of children under 16 years of age about their children’s life decisions,” the pledge reads. It is unclear how Reform UK will enforce this policy and how it will stop people from using certain pronouns.

In the same section, Reform UK states that schools must have gay facilities.

This is a repeated pledge in 'Children and Family', and the party's position is to require unisex facilities in public restrooms and locker rooms.

Additionally, another promise of UK reform is to review online safety legislation because “social media giants pushing baseless transgender ideology and divisive critical race theory should not have a role in regulating free speech.”

Human rights and equality, diversity and inclusion

The manifesto said the UK reforms would result in the UK withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights and replacing the Equality Act 2010.

“The Equality Act requires discrimination in the name of affirmative action,” the pledge reads. “We will repeal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) rules that lower standards and reduce economic productivity.

Reform UK then reaffirmed its commitment to abolishing diversity roles and provisions in the policing sector, saying it would end “two-tier policing”.




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