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Photo ID required to vote in general elections

Photo ID required to vote in general elections


Do the rules apply to voting by mail?

no. Voting by mail does not require photo identification.

However, you will be asked to provide your National Insurance (NI) number when you apply to verify your identity. If this cannot be done, you must explain why.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June for England, Scotland and Wales, and Saturday 15 June for Northern Ireland. You must also register to vote.

How do I get a voter ID card?

You can apply for a VAC (Voter Verification) online or by mail. To complete your online application you will need a recent digital photograph of yourself and your NI number.

You can apply even if you don't have an NI number, but you will need to provide alternative documentation as proof of your identity, such as a birth certificate, bank statement or utility bill.

To apply by post, you must complete a form and send it to your local electoral registration office.

To vote, you will need your registered address, a recent photo of yourself, and your NI number.

Likewise, other supporting documentation is acceptable, but using these may lengthen the application process.

The Registrar of Voters' Office must receive your form by 5:00 p.m., six business days before the election on which you plan to vote.

If you apply by post and are an overseas resident, member of the military, civil servants or British Council staff, you will need to complete a different form.

What happens if I don’t have a valid ID?

Anyone who does not have the required identification can apply for a VAC.

This is not a substitute for registering to vote and must be completed before applying.

Why was voter ID introduced?

The goal was to eliminate voter fraud by requiring people to prove their identity at the polls.

In a report commissioned by the government, Lord Pickles warned that authorities were denying and turning a blind eye to the problem of election fraud.

Why is voter ID so controversial?

The government said the changes were needed to curb the inexcusable possibility of someone's vote being stolen simply by quoting their name and address on the ballot box.

But critics say actual claims of election fraud are very rare in the UK.

According to the Electoral Reform Association, in 2019, the last general election, there were only 33 cases of impersonation at polling places out of the 58 million votes cast.

Opponents of the rules also warned that they would make it more difficult for certain people, including disabled people, transgender people, non-binary people, black people and minority ethnic people, to vote.




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