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Netanyahu criticizes US for denying arms to Israel | Israeli-Palestinian conflict News

Netanyahu criticizes US for denying arms to Israel |  Israeli-Palestinian conflict News


Israel's prime minister said the United States had promised to work to remove restrictions, but Washington said sending bombs was still under consideration.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized US President Joe Biden's administration for denying weapons to Israel in recent months as it continues its war on Gaza.

Netanyahu said in a video statement on Tuesday that it was inconceivable that the United States had withheld weapons and ammunition from Israel in recent months.

secretary [of State Antony] Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to eliminate these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that is the case. That should be the case, Netanyahu said, referring to talks the top US diplomat had in the country last week.

Washington provides $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel each year, and in April Biden signed legislation giving the U.S. ally $17 billion in additional aid in Israel's war on Gaza.

Biden and his top aides often emphasize their commitment to Israel, but Washington confirmed last month that it had withheld a single delivery of 900 kg (2,000 pounds) bombs to the Israeli military due to concerns about civilian casualties during the Israeli assault on Rafah, in southern Gaza.

Since then, the Biden administration has authorized new arms sales to Israel, according to US media, including a billion-dollar deal last month.

The Washington Post also reported Monday that the Biden administration had pressured top Democratic lawmakers to approve the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel for $18 billion.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Blinken stressed that the United States is committed to Israeli security and continues to regularly conduct arms transfers to Israel through its system. But he added that control of heavy bombs remained in place.

As you know, we continue to review a shipment that President Biden spoke of involving 2,000-pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in a densely populated area like Rafah, Blinken said. This remains under study. But everything else moves as it normally would.

The White House also denied Netanyahu's assertion that the United States had been withholding weapons from Israel for months, pointing out that the United States had suspended only one bomb shipment.

We really don't know what he's talking about. A particular delivery of ammunition has been suspended, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters. We continue to have these constructive discussions with the Israelis for the release of this particular cargo. There are no other breaks, none.

The Biden administration has faced pressure to suspend military aid to Israel amid growing reports of Israeli abuses in Gaza, including allegations of targeting civilian infrastructure, using starvation as a weapon of war and torture of detainees.

After months of strong support, Biden appeared to draw a red line for Israel in May, warning the country against invading Rafah. He told CNN that the United States would not provide bombs and artillery for a major Israeli offensive in the crowded southern Gaza city.

Israel launched its assault on Rafah later in May despite U.S. and international warnings, displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many of whom had already fled other areas of Gaza.

Israeli forces seized and closed the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, which served as a major gateway for humanitarian aid.

As Israeli forces continue their offensive in Rafah, the Biden administration has argued that the military assault does not amount to a major operation.

We have yet to see them launch anything resembling a major large-scale military operation, certainly not of the size, scope or scale of the operations in Khan Younis, Gaza City, or elsewhere in the Gaza strip. This is a more limited operation, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said last week.




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