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UK general election: summary of political party manifestos

UK general election: summary of political party manifestos


Conservatism: The Conservatism manifesto contains a promise to leave the environment in better condition for future generations. This includes commitments to international deforestation prevention through laws on tree planting, urban greening and forest product procurement. They will designate additional national parks and invest in improvements to existing national parks and protected landscapes, while improving access to green spaces, especially for underprivileged children and youth. They are also working to crack down on organized waste crime.

Green: The Greens will campaign to introduce a new Right to Nature law, a UK-style right to roam law to improve access to green spaces, and a new Clean Air Act. By 2030, they will secure 30% of our lands and oceans as a priority for nature and end all use of bee-killing pesticides. They will create a new Animal Welfare Council and triple financial support to support farmers in their transition to more environmentally friendly farming.

Labor: The Labor manifesto includes commitments to protect landscapes and wildlife, promote natural restoration, achieve the goals of environmental law, build sustainable homes and improve access to nature. They plan to establish nine new National River Walks and three new national forests in England, expand naturally rich habitats such as wetlands, peatlands and forests, and move towards a circular economy. They highlight the need for coordinated global action to address the climate and nature crisis.

Lib Dems: In their manifesto, the Lib Dems set binding targets to halt decline and said they would restore nature by doubling the area of ​​protected areas and woodland – the most important wildlife habitat – by 2050. At least 60 million trees will be planted. Within a year, pass the Clean Air Act, enforced by a new air quality agency, and increase funding for government agencies responsible for nature and the environment. We will increase access to green space, explore the right to roam, and create a new national natural park. We will also pass the Environmental Rights Act to ensure the UK has the highest environmental standards in the world and protect at least 30% of our land and seas by 2030 to allow nature to recover. It also includes commitments to meet environmental protection obligations, create a nature-positive economy and ensure nature-based solutions are an important part of strategies to combat climate change.

Plaid Cymru: The Plaid Cymrus manifesto talks about fairness for the planet through thinking beyond the current economic model and introducing business, human rights and environmental legislation. It reaffirms our commitment to achieve Wales’ net zero target by 2035 and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. At Tackling the Nature Emergency, they promote the development of science-led plans to reverse nature loss and support the introduction of biodiversity targets. Halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and ensure substantial recovery by 2050.

Reform: The contract with the people states that reform must farm productive land, not use it for solar farms or reforestation, and replace current subsidies with direct payments. They will stop Natural England taking action that harms farmers. They argue that reducing human-made CO2 emissions to stop climate change is ineffective, and suggest that we should adapt to warming rather than pretend we can stop it.




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