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Tickets, Dates, Ticket Prices and Presales

Tickets, Dates, Ticket Prices and Presales
Tickets, Dates, Ticket Prices and Presales


Paul McCartney's last performance in the UK was his legendary set at Glastonbury 2022. Critics called the set 'a masterclass from the greatest living cultural figure in this country's history' and 'one of the most thrilling, hopeful and star-studded sets ever'. 'It was something I had seen at the festival.

If you missed seeing the show in person two years ago, now is your chance to make up for it. The Beatles icon has finally announced that he will be bringing his Got Back tour to the UK.

Paul starts touring in 2022 and has already taken the tour to cities across the United States, Australia, and South America, so we know a little bit about what to expect. Get ready to hear classic and new songs like 'Hey Jude', 'Live and Let Die', 'Got to Get You into My Life', and more.

Sounds good? Do you think so? Here's how to get Got Back in the UK tickets:

When will Paul McCartney tour the UK in 2024?

Macca will play at Co-op Live in Manchester on Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December. He will then play at London's O2 Arena on Wednesday 18 December and Thursday 19 December.

When will tickets go on sale?

Write it down in your diary. Tickets go on general sale at Ticketmaster starting Friday, June 21st at 10am.

Are there any reservations?

of course. Pre-sales for all four shows begin Wednesday, June 19th at 10am. Find the Manchester pre-sale here or become a Co-op member to be one of the first to get in. And if you're an O2 Priority member, find the London pre-sale here.

How much are Paul McCartney tickets?

We don't yet know exactly how much Paul McCartney tickets will cost. Please keep checking this page for updates.

Can I go VIP?

If you can splash the cash, absolutely. Fans who book VIP tickets at the O2 will benefit from VIP access to the stadium, VIP lounge access and VIP block seating at the stadium.

Become a VIP at Manchester Co-op Live and enjoy access to a complimentary glass of wine, beer or soft drink, gourmet refreshments, top quality food, exclusive merchandise outlets and private toilets. For more information, see our official hotel partner, Seat Unique.

Where is Paul McCartney traveling as part of his Got Back tour?

Before returning to his home country, Paul will be performing throughout South America in October and in Paris and Madrid in early December. His London performance will mark the finale of the tour.

What did they say about the tour?

Announcing his UK gigs, Paul said: 'We're delighted to be wrapping up our year and 2024 tour dates in the UK. It's always a special feeling to perform in our hometown. It's going to be a really great year-end. Shall we start preparing for the party? I really want to see you.'

How to watch England at Euro 2024 for free, including TV schedules, channels and times.

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