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Justin Timberlake officially charged with DWI and released

Justin Timberlake officially charged with DWI and released


Justin Timberlake Jamie McCarthy/FilmMagic

Justin Timberlake appeared in court after being arrested on DWI charges.

Timberlake, 43, was arraigned on Tuesday, June 18, and released without bail. He was charged with one count of driving while intoxicated.

“The charge was a single count because he refused to take a breathalyzer test,” his lawyer, Ed Burke, told us. “Mr. Timberlake was also charged with two other court citations, for running a stop sign and not traveling in the correct lane of traffic.

A court date is scheduled for July 26. Burke would not elaborate on the specifics of the case or what led to Timberlake's arrest.

Us Weekly confirmed Tuesday that Timberlake was arrested for a DWI in the Hamptons. “On June 18, 2024, at 12:37 a.m., Justin R. Timberlake, 43, of Tennessee, was observed driving a BMW 2025 southbound on Madison Street without stopping at a properly designated stop sign. displayed and without maintaining its lane. travel,” read a statement from the Sag Harbor Police Department. “A traffic stop was initiated by a police officer from the Sag Harbor Village Police Department and upon investigation, it was determined that Mr. Timberlake was operating his vehicle while intoxicated.”

Related: Justin Timberlake's Biggest Controversies Over the Years

Justin Timberlake has weathered many storms throughout his career in the spotlight. After getting his start on Star Search and The All New Mickey Mouse Club, Timberlake formed 'NSync alongside his MMC partner JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick. During the group's heyday, singer Timberlake sparked a romance with Britney Spears. Spears […]

The statement continued: “Mr. Timberlake was placed under arrest, processed and held overnight for his morning arraignment. Mr. Timberlake was arraigned in Sag Harbor Village Justice Court on June 18, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., where he was released on his own recognizance.

Timberlake has been on his Forget Tomorrow World Tour since April, kicking off his tour in Canada before traveling to the United States. Days before his arrest, Timberlake performed in Miami and is scheduled to take the stage in Chicago on Friday, June 21. and Saturday June 22. He will return to New York the following week for two shows at Madison Square Garden.

Timberlake has weathered his fair share of controversies over the years. In 2019, Timberlake made headlines while filming the film Palmer in New Orleans. He was pictured getting cozy with co-star Alisha Wainwright, later apologizing for his “error in judgement”.

“I drank too much that night and I regret my behavior. I should have known better. This is not the example I want to set for my son,” he wrote in a statement shared via Instagram at the time. (Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel share sons Silas, 9, and Phineas, 3.)

Timberlake addressed Biel, 42, directly in his post, writing, “I apologize to my incredible wife and family for putting them in such an embarrassing situation, and I am focused on making to be the best husband and father I can be. It was not this.

A second source told Us in February that Biel was “betrayed and devastated” following the Palmer incident, but a third source noted that the actress “believes in” her husband, adding, “They are thriving as a couple. »


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Biel supported Timberlake at several concerts throughout the tour, bringing Silas and Phineas on the road. In May, she spoke candidly about her marriage amid her and Timberlake's busy schedules.

“You have to constantly try to find the balance, try to find the time,” she explained on The View, calling the couple's relationship a “work in progress.”

Biel did not immediately address her husband's arrest. She was seen filming the upcoming series The Better Sister with costars Corey Stoll and Elizabeth Banks in New York on Monday. (Biel and Banks, 50, also serve as executive producers on the Prime Video thriller.)




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