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Oceans Group takes UK government to court over oil and gas licensing | oil and gas companies

Oceans Group takes UK government to court over oil and gas licensing |  oil and gas companies


Marine conservation groups have taken legal action against the UK government, claiming the Conservative Party's decision to issue North Sea oil and gas licenses without considering their environmental impact is unlawful.

Oceana UK, part of the international conservation group, said that in issuing the 82 permits, Secretary of State for Energy and Security Claire Coutinho and the North Sea Transition Authority ignored advice from independent government experts on the potential impact on marine protected areas. MPA).

The licenses, issued between October 2023 and May 2024, cover 226 areas or blocks, a third of which overlap with MPAs. Oceana argues that the block assessments provided by the agency on behalf of the government did not reflect advice provided by independent government experts and therefore violated the law.

It said the decision to grant the license on May 3 was also illegal for the same reason.

Of the 82 North Sea licenses issued, many overlap with MPAs. Photo: Igor Alexejev/Alamy

Since 2011, there have been 215 oil spills in MPAs in the North Sea, including more than 2,000, according to research website The Ferret. Marine life is at risk from routine spills, exposure to toxic chemicals, and extreme noise pollution from seismic explosions associated with oil and gas activities.

Hugo Tagholm, managing director of Oceana UK, said this was not due to misunderstanding or lack of information. This is a deliberate choice to unlawfully ignore expert advice and endanger our oceans, climate and future.

Last year, Greenpeace lost a legal challenge to oil and gas licenses in the UK. The court sided with the government, which argued it did not need to assess downstream greenhouse gases from oil and gas consumption.

Rowan Smith, a lawyer at Leigh Day representing Oceana, said in the charity case that it was inconceivable for the government to ignore the advice of experts who condemned plans for oil and gas expansion in the North Sea as detrimental to protecting marine habitats.

He added: Oceana hopes the Secretary of State will decide not to defend this legal claim, but our clients stand ready to pursue it if necessary.

A North Sea Transition Authority spokesperson said: We do not comment on potential litigation matters.

The Department of Energy Security and Net Zero were approached for comment.




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