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Kendrick Lamar performs “Not Like Us” for the first time at Juneteenth Sh

Kendrick Lamar performs “Not Like Us” for the first time at Juneteenth Sh


In a moment that could go down in rap history, Kendrick Lamar performed his eviscerating Drake hit “Not Like Us” for the first time at his June 17 concert, The Pop Out: Ken & Friends. The show took place at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles and was announced less than two weeks ago. It was streamed live on Twitch by Amazon Music.

Kendrick performed the track five times, each more explosive than the last. “You're not going to let anyone disrespect the West Coast, are you?” asked Kendrick Lamar after introducing the oft-repeated lyrics of “A Minor” (a double entender intended to mock Drake as Lamar accuses him of being sexually inappropriate with underage girls) in the first edition. He largely let the crowd lead the second, and for the third, there were blazing pyrotechnics, dancers, and a loud chant of “OV-Ho” as he performed the song to completion. The audience requested a fourth, for which many of the evening's performers and other stars joined in, including YG, Steve Lacy, Roddy Ricch, ScHoolboy Q and Clippers point guard Russell Westbrook. There were dozens of people on stage as Kendrick rapped, danced and ran through them for the fifth time.

Kendrick Lamar brings Russell Westbrook, DeMar DeRozan and the entire West Coast to the stage while performing Not Like Us at Pop Out Concert

A moment in history #ThePopOut

– Ahmed/The Ears/IG: BigBizTheGod (@big_business_) June 20, 2024

Lamar opened his set with his first solo Drake rant in this spring's jam, “Euphoria,” shrouded in red lights, falling fireworks and smoke. He finally performed his verse “Like That” which also ignited the beef. He also performed “DNA”, “Alright” and “King Kunta”. Kendrick spent much of the show accompanied by Jay Rock, Ab-Soul and ScHoolboy Q, former colleagues at the Top Dawg Entertainment label.

Really, one could have argued for Kendrick Lamar to keep “Not Like Us” out of the setlist. Although the concert apparently takes its name from the lyrics of “Not Like Us” – “Sometimes you gotta go out and show the niggas” – Kendrick has clearly already done so over the course of five diss songs in his battle with Drake between late March and early March. Can. The show could have been a celebratory ride that didn't acknowledge Drake's existence at all by keeping these tracks off the roster.

Instead, Kendrick took over with the song that escalated their tensions. Yet ultimately he celebrated the concert as a moment of unification of the multiple, sometimes fractured, facets of Los Angeles' vast hip-hop scene. “We lost a lot of homies to this musical shit, a lot of homies to this street shit,” he said, noting that the show featured performers from several different gang factions. He promised that this would be the first in a series of more collaborative moves.

“Not Like Us” debuted at number one on the Hot 100 and reached number one on Billboard's Rhythmic Airplay chart dated June 15, signifying its dominance at radio. In it, Lamar accuses Drake of pedophilia and exploiting other rappers. Drake responded with “The Heart Part 6” accusing Lamar of domestic violence, estrangement from his children and surviving sexual assault.




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