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Charlie Woods qualifies for US Junior Amateur after finishing first in qualifying

Charlie Woods qualifies for US Junior Amateur after finishing first in qualifying


Charlie Woods, the son of 15-time major champion Tiger Woods, qualified for the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship on Wednesday. He posted a 7-under 71, finishing first in a qualifying event at Eagle Trace Golf Club in Coral Springs, Florida. Charlie was one of four golfers to secure a spot in the US Junior Amateur.

It's amazing to qualify for my first USGA Championship, Charlie said after his round. I'm excited to compete in the US Junior Amateur next month, especially in such a historic location like Oakland Hills.

Charlie, who played the back nine first, started his round with a bogey followed by a double bogey. He responded with three birdies on four holes from No. 13 to No. 16, finishing his first nine at an even par 36.

On the back nine, Charlie recorded two birdies against just one bogey, shooting 35 to finish the day at 1 under par. Tiger was there to observe Charlie, according to a USGA official.

Last fall, Charlie's high school golf team won a state championship in Florida. For the previous four years, Charlie played alongside Tiger in the PNC Parent/Child Championship event. The duo's best finish came in 2021, where they finished second behind John Daly and his son, John Daly II.

With Charlie qualifying for the US Junior Amateur, he is following in his father's footsteps. Tiger is a three-time United States Junior Amateur champion, winning in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The only three-time champion of the event, Tiger won it at age 15, Charlie's current age.

Created in 1948, the US Junior Amateur is open to amateur golfers who have not reached their 19th birthday and have a handicap not exceeding 4.4. Three-time major champion Jordan Spieth and world number one Scottie Scheffler are former U.S. junior amateur champions.

The U.S. Junior Amateur will be played at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, July 22-27. It will begin with two rounds of stroke play (July 22 and 23) before the top 64 scorers qualify for the match play portion of the tournament. the championship will be contested on the South Course.

Importance of Charlie's qualification for the US Junior Amateur

Typically, qualifying for the US Junior Amateur isn't exactly remarkable. But Charlie is not a typical qualifier. His presence on the field in Oakland Hills will make the event exponentially more relevant nationally. That's what comes with the name.

The younger Woods has been in the constant spotlight since his appearance at the 2020 PNC Championship at the age of 11, with his swing, mannerisms and demeanor constantly compared to his father's. All of this was understandably both unfair and uncomfortable, but it was the world in which young Charlie had to operate.

From the beginning, Tiger and his vast network of defenses did well to create as much of a force field around Charlie as possible. Outside of competitive play or working alongside his father, such as his appearance last week as a quasi-swing coach for his father at the US Open, he is generally kept out of the spotlight and rarely in front a microphone.

Maybe this is starting to change that. Playing on the United States Junior Amateur team is, without a doubt, the greatest achievement of Charlie's young golf career. Put aside any ridiculous thoughts of comparing him to his father, this is a significant accomplishment for any 15 year old. More than 3,500 applications were initially accepted for the competition.

So now the younger Woods will take to a bigger stage in Oakland Hills. The junior am will be played on the club's North and South courses. The South Course is the famous host of nine major tournaments (six US Opens, three PGA Championships), three US Amateur Championships (two men's and one women's) and a Ryder Cup. The Donald Ross design was recently renovated by Gil Hanse and is scheduled to host two US Opens in 2034 and 2051, as well as two US Womens Opens in 2031 and 2042.

Young Charlie will be one of 264 players on the field. But he'll probably feel like he's one of them. Brendan Quinn, Senior Golf Editor

(Photo: David Cannon/Getty Images)




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