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Number of hospitalizations due to E. coli reaches 86 as UK lettuce outbreaks increase | E. coli

Number of hospitalizations due to E. coli reaches 86 as UK lettuce outbreaks increase |  E. coli


At least 86 people have been hospitalized in an E. coli outbreak linked to lettuce, health officials said.

A further 45 cases of E. coli have been confirmed since June 18, bringing the number of confirmed cases across England to 256. Those affected developed symptoms before May 31, according to the UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA).

UKHSA said: “While case rates have now slowed, we expect figures to increase as NHS laboratories refer specimens to UKHSA for genomic sequencing which may link cases to this outbreak variant.”

Food manufacturers have recalled sandwiches, wraps and salads sold in major supermarkets and retail chains over concerns they may be linked to the outbreak.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said lettuce was thought to be the likely cause of the outbreak. All recorded cases involved Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O145 (Stec).

Darren Whitby, head of incidents at the FSA, said: With epidemiological links to the food chain enabling us to narrow down the wide range of foods, several sandwich manufacturers are now issuing precautionary measures to withdraw and recall a range of sandwiches, wraps, subs and rolls. Action has been taken. The salad leaves used in this product are consumed in small quantities.

This remains a complex investigation and we continue to work with the companies involved and local authorities to ensure the necessary steps are taken to protect consumers.

We are confident the source of the outbreak was linked to a small number of salad leaves that we initially identified through extensive food chain analysis, but we are continuing to work with growers, suppliers and manufacturers to determine the root cause of the outbreak. You can take steps to prevent a recurrence.

We will remain vigilant until the root cause of the outbreak is identified and we are keeping an open mind about the possible causes of the outbreak.

E. coli is a widespread group of bacteria, some strains of which produce toxins that can make people seriously ill. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, and high fever.

Additional complications may include thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, in which blood clots form throughout the body due to the disease. Some patients may develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can lead to life-threatening complications associated with kidney failure.

Stec is often spread by eating contaminated food, but can also be spread through close contact with an infected person or direct contact with an infected animal or its territory.

If you are concerned about your baby under 12 months, if your child stops breastfeeding or bottle feeding when they are sick, or if your child under 5 is showing signs of dehydration, such as less milk production, it is best to call NHS 111 or contact your GP surgery. great. Diapers, or if an older child or adult still shows signs of dehydration after using oral hydration sachets.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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