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Who is the new Prime Minister of the UK?

Who is the new Prime Minister of the UK?


Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer speaks ahead of the UK general election on July 4, 2024.

Anthony Devlin | Getty Images News | getty images

London: After 14 years of rule by the turbulent Conservative Party, the British Labor Party is expected to take power this year and shake up national politics.

A recent YouGov poll found that the centre-left opposition party maintains a commanding lead of around 20 points over the Conservatives, led by current Chancellor Rishi Sunak. In a voting intention survey conducted on June 12-13, 37% supported the Labor Party, 18% the Conservative Party, and 19% supported the reforms of Nigel Farage, the newly emerged symbol of Brexit.

So who is Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labor Party and the most likely candidate to become prime minister after the UK election on July 4? And what does he represent?

From human rights lawyer to politician

Starmer was born in London, England in 1962 to a father who worked as a tool maker and a mother who worked as a nurse.

The 61-year-old has often cited his humble beginnings as a connection with British voters and said he had a deep appreciation for the National Health Service (NHS) as his mother battled serious illness throughout her life.

Starmer was the first in his family to go to university, studying law at the University of Leeds. After completing his postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford, Starmer began working as a barrister (trial lawyer) in 1987, taking on high-profile cases including mine closure cases for Shell, McDonald's and former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Starmer also served as a human rights adviser to former Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair during the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland.

In 2008, a year after marrying his wife Victoria, Starmer became Director of Public Prosecutions, becoming the head of the UK Crown Prosecution Service.

Starmer was knighted in 2014 for his services to criminal justice and was elected to parliament the following year. There he served as opposition immigration minister and opposition Brexit minister.

In 2020, he was appointed Labor leader and led a major shake-up of the party following the resignation of Jeremy Corbyn, who led the party to a record defeat at the 2019 election.

Pro-business, pro-reform, pro-EU

During his 2024 election campaign, Starmer touted a “decade of national renewal” for the country after what he described as years of spending cuts and falling living standards under the Conservatives.

In the party's election manifesto published last week, Starmer outlined spending measures to create a new publicly owned energy company, reduce waiting times for the NHS, build new homes and re-nationalize rail services.

Labor leader Keir Starmer takes a selfie with students after a campaign event at Three Counties Medical School on May 29, 2024.

Christopher Furlong | Getty Images News | getty images

But he has also positioned himself as staunchly pro-business, continuing a years-long charm offensive with traditionally right-leaning voters through “wealth creation” and sovereign wealth fund schemes.

“Economic growth and social justice must go hand in hand,” Starmer said at the declaration launch event.

Labor has outlined five long-term missions for power. That means boosting economic growth, investing in green energy, overhauling the NHS, making streets safer and providing “opportunity” through a new skills agenda. To support these goals, Starmer plans to radically overhaul government departments, a Labor source told the FT.

Starmer, who voted Remain in Britain's 2016 EU referendum, also promised to improve the 'failed' UK-EU trade deal, including in areas such as trade, research and security. But he insisted there was no chance the UK would rejoin the bloc.

Public image issue?

Despite his change agenda, Starmer is seen by many as an establishment figure who lacks the charisma of other politicians. A YouGov poll earlier this year found he was behind the reformist Farage in terms of public popularity, and his ratings had fallen further among younger voters.

Critics have also questioned Starmer's core values. An example of this is that the party leader remained on Corbyn's top team despite facing accusations of antisemitism within the Labor Party. Starmer later suspended Corbyn from the party. Others accused him of betraying the left by courting business leaders and abandoning promises such as abolishing college tuition.

After a turbulent few years in British politics, with three Conservative prime ministers in 2022 alone, Starmer's supporters are defending him as a neutral stabilizing figure after a period of considerable political upheaval.

CNBC’s Katrina Bishop contributed to this report.




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