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US bans Kaspersky software, citing national security risks

US bans Kaspersky software, citing national security risks
US bans Kaspersky software, citing national security risks


June 21, 2024NewsroomSoftware security / Threat intelligence

The US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced on Thursday a “first of its kind” ban prohibiting Kaspersky Lab's US subsidiary from directly or indirectly offering its security software in the country.

The blockade also extends to the cybersecurity company's affiliates, subsidiaries and parent companies, the department said, adding that this action is based on the fact that its operations in the United States pose a national security risk. News of the ban was first reported by Reuters.

“The company's continued operations in the United States presented a national security risk – due to the Russian government's offensive cyber capabilities and its ability to influence or direct Kaspersky's operations – that could not be resolved by mitigation measures without a total ban,” the BIS said. .

Kaspersky is also subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Russian government and its software allows the Kremlin to access sensitive information of American customers and also allows the installation of malware or refusal of critical updates.

“Manipulation of Kaspersky software, including in US critical infrastructure, can result in significant risks of data theft, espionage and system malfunction,” it notes. “It may also endanger the country’s economic security and public health, leading to injury or loss of life.”

As part of the ban, Kaspersky will no longer be allowed to sell its software to US consumers and businesses starting July 20. However, the company can still provide software and antivirus signature updates to existing customers until September 29.

It also urges current home and business customers to find suitable replacements within the 100-day window to ensure there are no gaps in security protections. That said, it should be noted that they can continue to use the products if they wish.

“Russia has repeatedly demonstrated that it has the capacity and intent to exploit Russian companies, like Kaspersky Lab, to collect and weaponize sensitive US information, and we will continue to use all tools at our disposition to protect the national security of the United States and the American people,” said Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

That's not all. Kaspersky was also added to the Entity List for its “cooperation with Russian military and intelligence authorities in support of the Russian government's cyber intelligence objectives.”

The Moscow-based company, which serves more than 400 million customers and 240,000 corporate clients in 200 countries, including Piaggio, Volkswagen Group Retail Spain and the Qatar Olympic Committee, has long been in the crosshairs of the US government in because of its links with Russia.

In September 2017, its products were banned from use on federal networks, citing national security concerns. A few weeks after this announcement, a Wall Street Journal article claimed that Russian government hackers stole classified U.S. hacking tools stored on the home computer of a National Security Agency (NSA) contractor because this one was running Kaspersky software.

The New York Times reported days later that Israeli officials had informed the United States of the spying operation after hacking into Kaspersky's network in 2015. The company responded by saying it discovered the code in 2014 when its antivirus software flagged a 7-Zip file as malicious on its website. a computer based in the United States.

The tool, later attributed to the Equation Group, was deleted and no third party saw the code, the company said at the time following an internal investigation. Equation Group is the name given by Kaspersky to a team of hackers suspected of having ties to the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) cyberwarfare unit.

Nearly five years later, Kaspersky was added to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) “covered list” of companies that pose an “unacceptable risk to the national security” of the country. Germany and Canada have adopted similar restrictions in recent years.

In response to the U.S. government's latest move, Kaspersky said the Commerce Department made its decision based on the current geopolitical climate and theoretical concerns, adding that it “unfairly ignores” evidence of transparency measures implemented. work by the company to demonstrate its integrity and reliability.

“The main impact of these measures will be the benefit they will bring to cybercrime,” he said. “International cooperation between cybersecurity experts is crucial in the fight against malware, but this will limit these efforts.”

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