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UK weather: A heat wave could hit next week, but it will be a huge blow to hayfever sufferers thanks to a 'pollen bomb' | uk news

UK weather: A heat wave could hit next week, but it will be a huge blow to hayfever sufferers thanks to a 'pollen bomb' |  uk news
UK weather: A heat wave could hit next week, but it will be a huge blow to hayfever sufferers thanks to a 'pollen bomb' |  uk news


High levels of pollen are hitting parts of the UK, causing new misery for hayfever sufferers, with forecasts calling for a heatwave next week.

The Met Office has warned that pollen levels in the UK over the next five days will extend into Wales and Northern Ireland from Saturday.

By Monday, all but the northernmost parts of Scotland will be affected.

Image: Photo: Korea Meteorological Administration

Asthma + Lung UK is urging people with respiratory conditions to take precautions over the coming week.

The charity's research found that pollen triggers 47% of asthma cases and 27% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (also known as COPD) cases.

This can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Erika Radford, the group's head of health advice, told Sky News: “If you breathe in pollen particles, they can inflame the airways and travel into the lungs, making breathing more difficult for people with lung disease. This can be devastating.”

People with asthma are encouraged to use their preventer inhaler every day as prescribed and to keep their relief inhaler nearby at all times, even when they are at home.

Brits suffering from hay fever can take antihistamines, ask their doctor to prescribe a steroid nasal spray and avoid going out as much as possible on high pollen days.

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1:44 UK heatwave: 'silent killer'

Other top tips for fighting pollen include:

• Do not hang laundry outdoors.

• Shower after being outside

• Keep windows and doors closed.

• Vacuum and wipe surfaces regularly.

• Take antihistamines 4 weeks before symptoms start.

Allergy UK says face masks may also help. The goal is to relieve symptoms by reducing the amount of pollen inhaled and increasing the temperature and humidity of the inhaled air.

Eating apples and red onions has also been touted as a way to lower histamine levels.

Image: Photo: Korea Meteorological Administration

heat wave on the horizon

Meanwhile, the Korea Meteorological Administration predicts that temperatures will rise further heading into next week. In isolated areas temperatures up to 30C (86F) are possible.

Friday and Saturday look less settled, but good conditions are set to return on Sunday and temperatures could reach the mid-20s over the next few days.

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“Temperatures in some central and southern regions are likely to approach the values ​​needed for heat wave conditions,” chief forecaster Neil Armstrong said.

“Heat wave conditions should remain in place for three consecutive days, with parts of the UK likely to reach heat wave threshold by the middle of next week.”

He predicted “the best conditions and highest temperatures so far this year”, but temperatures are expected to drop overnight, providing some relief for those struggling with the heat.

Sky meteorologist Steff Gaulter added: “There is a plume of hot, humid air coming up from the south and it will start to affect us from Sunday.”

“There will be a fair amount of cloud in some areas, but the sunniest spots are likely to see temperatures of 27C on Sunday, 28C on Monday and 29C on Tuesday and Wednesday. This may come as a bit of a shock to some. After a slow start to the summer we've had it so far!

“However, not all of us will see these temperatures and there will be some rain in the west. Highest temperatures are likely to be highest in central and eastern England.

“And it looks like there will be a thunderstorm breakdown on Wednesday, but we’re still a ways off weather-wise so we’ll have to keep you posted on that.”




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