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Music review: Uninhibited Gracie Abrams finds energy in chaos on “The Secret of Us”

Music review: Uninhibited Gracie Abrams finds energy in chaos on “The Secret of Us”


Singer-songwriter Gracie Abrams succumbs to a crush on Risk, the first single from her frenetic and melancholy second album, The Secret of Us.

I heard the risk is drowning / But I'll take it, she sings over fast-paced acoustic guitar, her voice growing more frantic as the production thickens. Be careful, it's not the right thing, she exclaims in the chorus.

The track reveals an evolved, yet familiar Abrams. The 24-year-old singer-songwriter has shared her diary with us before, but The Secret of Us is more intimate and less reserved than her previous work. This time, his songs aren't memories of waning heartbreak, long-held insecurity, or lingering guilt. They occur in real time, develop and dissipate in a recorded manner.

That immersion is achieved through the album's production, a collaboration between Abrams, longtime collaborator Aaron Dessner, and co-writer Audrey Hobert, with cameos from Taylor Swift and producer Jack Antonoff.

The great Blowing Smoke presents a biting critique of a lost flame with acoustic guitar and buzzes that are swapped out for electric instruments and screams, as Abrams jokes and leans into frustration.

She segues into Let it Happen, where Tough Love begins with whispers on a train to Boston and ends with a euphoric drumbeat and a declaration of self-love: Now I know what I'm leaving for.

Bonus track Close to You, produced by Sam de Jong and reworked after a clip went viral, lives more in the magnetic world of Lorde and Ellie Gouldings' 2010s hits than that of Abrams, but features a character pop that shines through on The. Secret from us.

The urgent melodies and breathy bridges of this confident album are a progression from Abrams' past work when her sad girl pop music, written and sung softly, was much more melancholic and anxious.

The songs that most clearly illustrate his new personality are Risk, Blowing Smoke, us. (feat. Taylor Swift) are the most interesting albums. It's a change that Abrams linked to the period of growth between his last project and this one. This year and a half included a Grammy nomination, an extensive tour and a first for Swift.

The sparkling centerpiece of the album is us. (with Taylor Swift). Their voices intertwine, harmonizing the album title atop a dreamy acoustic track produced by the duo Dessner and Antonoff: I felt it, you held it, do you miss us? / I wonder if you regret our secret, they sing, with Abrams leading the way.

Swift's feature feels like a seal of approval for Abrams. And while references to annotated sonnets and Robert Bly might place this piece in Swift's The Tortured Poets department, this is clearly Abrams in his youthful, reflective angst and private musings on love not shared.

The Secret of Us profiles an artist on the move, one who discovers what excites her creatively as she navigates adulthood. And by taking listeners on this adventure, the frustrations, the vanities, the chaotic crushes and all, she opens an exciting door for her future as a confident and energetic performer.


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