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The hourly wage a single person needs in America's largest cities

The hourly wage a single person needs in America's largest cities


You'll need to earn around $25 an hour to live alone in the 25 largest cities in the United States.

This is a median number: you'll need more in cities like San Francisco or Boston, and less in San Antonio or Detroit. The money covers basic expenses for a single person, like studio accommodation, food, healthcare and transportation, based on estimates from Economic Policy's Living Wage Family Budget Calculator Non-profit institute.

A $25 hourly wage equates to $52,000 per year, based on a 40-hour work week. But in almost half of the 25 largest cities, the living wage is double the local minimum wage. In many of these markets, the minimum wage is less than $15 an hour. In some cities, the minimum wage is as low as $7.25 an hour, the federal minimum.

Many single minimum wage earners struggle to meet basic expenses based solely on their salary and, as such, rely on family or government assistance to get by. EPI's living wage estimates do not include these other possible sources of money.

Minimum wage earners may also make sacrifices, such as forgoing car ownership or not purchasing health insurance. Having employer-sponsored health insurance certainly helps: It reduces the hourly living wage by about $2 in the 25 largest U.S. cities, according to EPI estimates.

Here's a look at the 25 most populous metro areas, ranked by the highest minimum wage needed to cover necessities:

1. San FranciscoHourly wage needed to cover basic costs: $35.98Hourly minimum wage: $18.07 ($20 for fast food workers)2. Boston Hourly wage to cover base costs: $34.02 Hourly minimum wage: $153. New York Hourly wage to cover base costs: $33.58 Hourly minimum wage: $164. SeattleHourly wage to cover basic costs: $31.93 Hourly minimum wage: $19.97 (for most workers)5. San Diego Hourly wage to cover base costs: $30.46 Hourly minimum wage: $16.85 ($20 for fast food workers)6. Washington, D.C. Hourly wage to cover base costs: $28.89 Hourly minimum wage: $17,507. Los AngelesHourly wage to cover base costs: $26.81Hourly minimum wage: $16.90 ($20 for fast food workers)8. Atlanta Hourly wage to cover base costs: $26.63 Hourly minimum wage: $7,259. DenverHourly wage to cover base costs: $25.85Hourly minimum wage: $18.2910. Portland, Oregon Hourly wage to cover base costs: $25.67 Hourly minimum wage: $15.4511. Orlando Hourly wage to cover base costs: $25.51 Hourly minimum wage: $1,212. Inland Empire, California Hourly wage to cover basic costs: $25.34 Hourly minimum wage: $16 ($20 for fast food workers)13. MiamiHourly wage to cover base costs: $24.97 Hourly minimum wage: $1,214. Phoenix Hourly wage to cover base costs: $24.78 Hourly minimum wage: $14.3515. Charlotte Hourly wage to cover base costs: $24.48 Hourly minimum wage: $7.2516. Tampa Bay Hourly wage to cover base costs: $24.32 Hourly minimum wage: $1,217. Dallas Hourly wage to cover base costs: $23.84 Hourly minimum wage: $7.2518. ChicagoHourly wage to cover basic costs: $23.72Hourly minimum wage: $15 (for most workers)19. Philadelphia Hourly wage to cover base costs: $23.39 Hourly minimum wage: $7.2520. Baltimore Hourly wage to cover base costs: $23.13 Hourly minimum wage: $1,521. Minneapolis-St. PaulHourly wage to cover basic costs: $22.81 Hourly minimum wage: $15.57 (starting July 1)22. Houston Hourly wage to cover base costs: $21.56 Hourly minimum wage: $7.2523. St. Louis Hourly wage to cover basic costs: $20.39 Hourly minimum wage: $12.3024. San Antonio Hourly wage to cover base costs: $20.29 Hourly minimum wage: $7.2525. Detroit Hourly wage to cover base costs: $19.70 Hourly minimum wage: $10.33

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