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US envoy visited Hanoi days after Putin, saying trust between US and Vietnam was at 'record high'

US envoy visited Hanoi days after Putin, saying trust between US and Vietnam was at 'record high'


HANOI, Vietnam (AP) A top U.S. diplomat spoke Saturday in Vietnam and said trust between the two countries is at an all-time high, just days after Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to Hanoi.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink insisted his trip had nothing to do with Putin's visit on Thursday. Vietnam last year elevated the United States to its highest diplomatic status, a comprehensive strategic partner, putting it on par with China and Russia. The rise in ties with the United States suggests Vietnam wanted to protect its friendships as Western companies seek to diversify their supply chains outside of China.

Kritenbrink was speaking at a press conference for selected media in Hanoi. A recording of the interaction was reviewed by the Associated Press.

Putin's trip to Hanoi sparked a sharp rebuke from the US embassy in Hanoi, which said no country should give Putin a platform to promote his war of aggression and allow him to normalize its atrocities, referring to Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. his third year.

The U.S. envoy for East Asia echoed those concerns, but said he made it clear to Vietnamese officials that the main reason for his trip was the U.S.-Vietnam partnership. He met with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son.

Only Vietnam can decide how best to safeguard its sovereignty and promote its interests, he said, while highlighting economic relations between Vietnam and its largest export market, US trade between the two. country amounted to $111 billion in 2023, compared to just $3.6 billion between Vietnam. and Russia.

Russia remains important to Vietnam, not only because it is an old Cold War ally, but also because it continues to be its largest defense supplier and Russian oil exploration technologies help to maintain Vietnam's sovereignty claims in the disputed South China Sea.

Kritenbrink said China's increasingly assertive actions to assert its claims to almost the entire South China Sea were a source of great concern for the region and the world.

The territorial disputes, which involve China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan, have long been seen as a flashpoint in Asia that could pit the United States against China if high-seas clashes escalate into armed conflict.

Vietnam said Friday it was ready to hold negotiations with the Philippines to resolve their competing claims to the South China Sea's underwater continental shelf, in a diplomatic approach that contrasts with that of China.

We believe that China's actions, particularly its recent actions, around the Second Thomas Shoal, vis-à-vis the Philippines, have been irresponsible, aggressive, dangerous and deeply destabilizing, Kritenbrink said. He stressed that the defense treaties between the United States and its ally the Philippines were ironclad.

The Philippines said Friday it did not intend to invoke its mutual defense treaty with the United States after Chinese coast guards allegedly rammed, boarded and used machetes and axes to damage two boats of the Philippine Navy in a chaotic clash that left Philippine Navy personnel injured.




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