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Ballet directors hope production of 'epic' Swan Lake will show the importance of funding the arts in the UK | Ent & Arts News

Ballet directors hope production of 'epic' Swan Lake will show the importance of funding the arts in the UK |  Ent & Arts News


Ballet leaders hope an “epic” staging of Swan Lake will make the next government recognize the “vital” importance of arts funding.

Aaron Watkin, artistic director of the English National Ballet, and Louise Halliday, audience director at the Royal Albert Hall, spoke to Sky News about concerns about ballerinas impressing fans by restaging classic works.

When it comes to maintaining Britain's cultural reputation, Watkin explains: “Policy and funding are very important – very important.”

There are only a few dance companies in the world that can perform like what is currently being performed at the Royal Albert Hall.

Even non-dancers know Swan Lake, but the circular choreography is jaw-dropping. Huge flocks of feathers are perfectly synchronized with every detail from every angle.

“We hired 60 additional dancers for this production,” explains Watkin. “With over 100 performers on stage, the scale is truly enormous.”

He explains that the “massive undertaking” is in effect “three Swan Lakes combined into one.”

Image: Over 100 performers. Pic:English National Ballet/Ian Gavan Image: Aaron Watkin says the piece is like 'three Swan Lakes rolled into one'.

Even finding enough changing rooms can be a challenge. “It’s amazing the sheer number of people that come up on stage,” Watkin adds.

This is incredibly demanding as there are dancers all over the stage for principal Francesco Gabriele Frola.

He's used to walking off stage after a solo “to take a little breather,” but admits it's much more difficult to “stay still and not look tired.”

The audience said it was a stage that would remain in their hearts.

Image: Francesco Gabriele Frolla (left) is the principal principal dancer in the piece. Image: Photo: English National Ballet/Laurent Lyotardo

Originally choreographed by Derek Deane for the Royal Albert Hall 25 years ago, 'Swan Lake in-the-round' caused a sensation when it premiered, attended by Princess Diana.

It has since been enjoyed by over 500,000 people worldwide.

It made waves in the dance world in 1997, a year when Britain itself was at a major political turning point when Tony Blair won a landslide victory for Labor. Of course, some opinion polls now suggest the Conservatives are headed for their worst election defeat since then.

“Arts and culture are not additive,” Watkin argues.

“It’s essential… and obviously it can always be enjoyed, but I think in these difficult times that we’re going through in the world right now, we need this to inspire people’s hearts and souls.

“No matter what government comes in, [it] “We take this seriously and value the importance of our creative industries to ensure we thrive and continue to inspire future generations.”

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Image: Louise Halliday says Princess Diana was 'relentlessly positive' during her visit to the show.

Louise Halliday, one of the first dancers to be photographed with Princess Diana in 1997, said the prince came to meet the cast several times.

“She was very positive and always interested in how we were: ‘How are your feet? Are they sore?’” explains Halliday.

Now the director of the Royal Albert Hall, she told Sky News she remembers dancing to the show “like it was yesterday”.

“We all felt the positives,” she says. “And I think it’s something we’re all looking forward to. [in Britain]“National sentiment is somewhat positive.”

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Halliday hopes her concerns that the arts are being pushed off school agendas will be addressed by whoever forms the next government.

“How do we ignite the creative spark for future generations of singers, dancers, performers and playwrights when children don’t have access to it? We need to think long-term, and that starts in school.”

English National Ballet's 'Swan Lake' runs at the Royal Albert Hall until Sunday.




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