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Netanyahu again says US is holding back arms shipments, days after Washington denies it

Netanyahu again says US is holding back arms shipments, days after Washington denies it


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday that there had been a dramatic drop in U.S. arms deliveries for Israel's war effort in Gaza, doubling down on a claim that the Biden administration denied it and highlighted growing tensions between the two allies.

Netanyahu told his cabinet that the airdrop took place four months ago, without specifying which weapons, saying only that some items arrived sporadically but that munitions in general remained behind.

The row highlights rising tensions between Israel and Washington over the war in Gaza, particularly around the conduct of the Israeli military in the besieged territory and the damage caused to civilian life. President Joe Biden has delayed the delivery of some heavy bombs since May due to these concerns, but his administration last week hit back at Netanyahu's accusations that other deliveries had also been affected.

Netanyahu told the Cabinet that he was pushed to release an English-language video last week after weeks of unsuccessful pleas to U.S. officials to speed up deliveries. He said a resolution seemed close.

In light of what I have heard in recent days, I hope and believe that this issue will be resolved soon, he said, without elaborating.

Netanyahu's video last week sparked an outcry among critics in Israel and was met with denial and confusion from White House officials. White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the United States was perplexed by Netanyahu's claims. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said: “We really don’t know what he’s talking about.

A White House official said Sunday that the administration has repeatedly expressed its position on the issue and declined to respond to Netanyahu's comments. The official, who requested anonymity to discuss a diplomatic matter, said U.S. officials looked forward to constructive consultations this week in Washington with visiting Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Gallant, a rival of Netanyahu's within the ruling Likud party, was traveling to Washington on Sunday. His office said he would discuss maintaining Israel's qualitative advantage in the region, but made no mention of the weapons issue.

The war in Gaza, sparked by Hamas' attack on southern Israel on October 7, has tested U.S.-Israeli relations like never before. While the United States strongly supports Israel's goals of freeing the hostages taken to Gaza and defeating Hamas, it is increasingly concerned about the rising Palestinian death toll and the humanitarian crisis created by the war.

Biden has felt pressure from progressive Democrats to take a tougher line on Israel, and he has toughened his warnings to Netanyahu about military tactics in the Gaza Strip. But after threatening to impose a more sweeping ban on arms transfers following the assault on Rafah, the administration avoided suggesting that Israel's expansion in the southern Gaza city had crossed a line red.

In this election year, Biden also faces right-wing critics who say he has moderated his support for a key Middle East ally.

For Netanyahu, rapprochement with the United States also presents political risks and opportunities. His critics see the public feuding as the result of a leader willing to destroy important alliances and tarnish Israel's image around the world for political purposes.

But the rift gives the longtime leader a chance to show his base that he is not beholden to the United States and puts Israel's interests first.


This story has been corrected to reflect White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's comments: “We really don't know what he's talking about, not We generally don't know what he's talking about, in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's claims that the Biden administration was withholding U.S. weapons from Israel.




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