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Netanyahu defends decision to go public with complaint over US arms supplies

Netanyahu defends decision to go public with complaint over US arms supplies



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his decision to go public with delays in arms supplies from the United States, saying months of private discussions had yielded no results.

At the start of a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Netanyahu said that after months of no change in this situation, I had decided to express it publicly. I did this based on years of experience and knowing that this step is essential to cork extraction.

Netanyahu claimed Tuesday that the Biden administration was holding back guns in a video posted on

In response, US envoy Amos Hochstein told Netanyahu that his comments were unproductive and, more importantly, completely wrong.

While this is not the first time Netanyahu has publicly castigated the Biden administration over Israel's war with Hamas, the dispute comes amid heightened stakes surrounding the Gaza war and a possible new conflict between Israel. and Hezbollah remain high.

The United States remains Israel's most important ally and arms supplier, but it has expressed growing concern over rising civilian casualties in Gaza.

Speaking at Sunday's meeting, Netanyahu said: About four months ago, there was a dramatic drop in arms supplies from the United States to Israel. For weeks we have been asking our American friends to speed up shipments. We've done it time and time again.

We did it at the highest level and at all levels, and I want to emphasize, we did it in private rooms. We got all kinds of explanations, but one thing we didn't understand: the fundamental situation hasn't changed.

Netanyahu went on to say that in light of what I have heard over the past few days, I hope and believe that this issue will be resolved in the near future.

Amid this dispute, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reiterated on Sunday the importance of relations between Israel and Washington, ahead of a visit during which he is expected to meet his American counterpart, Lloyd Austin, Blinken and other senior American officials.

The United States is our most important and central ally. Our ties are crucial and perhaps more important than ever, right now, Gallant told reporters, according to a statement from the Israeli Defense Ministry.

Gallant is expected to discuss Israel's war against Hamas and efforts to secure the return of hostages as well as steps needed to achieve regional stability, according to the statement.

The Israeli defense minister clashed with Netanyahu, who continually struggles to hold his government together.

While Gallant – a retired general – publicly declared earlier this year that there should be no Israeli rule in the post-war Gaza Strip, far-right cabinet members oppose any future independent Palestinian state.

In his statement, Gallant spoke about the transition to Phase C in Gaza. It is unclear whether he was referring to a different stage of fighting or how to prepare for post-conflict. CNN has contacted the Israeli Defense Ministry for further details.

I will discuss this transition with U.S. officials, addressing how it might enable additional things. [to take place]and I know that we will also achieve close cooperation with the United States on this issue, Gallant said.




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