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UK weather: A four-day heat health warning is in effect today. Forecasters reveal warmest day of the week | uk news

UK weather: A four-day heat health warning is in effect today.  Forecasters reveal warmest day of the week |  uk news


A yellow heat health alert is in place for most of England today as temperatures in parts of the country are expected to reach 31C.

The notice, which covers all but one region of the country, highlights the risk of increased pressure on health services due to small-scale heat waves.

The warning, issued jointly by the UK Health and Safety Executive (UKHSA) and the Met Office, comes into effect at 8am on Thursday and will remain in place until 5pm.

Temperatures are expected to soar to 31C (87F) in some areas over the next few days, with “many places” seeing thermometers reach the mid-20s (77F).

Image: Yellow alert applies to most of England. Photo: UKHSA

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The strongest warnings were issued for the East Midlands, East of England, East Anglia and the South East, saying “serious impacts are likely to be observed across the health and social care sector due to high temperatures”.

The UKHSA said: “This includes increased mortality observed across the population, particularly in those aged over 65 years and those with existing health problems, but the impact may also be seen in younger age groups.”

Image: Temperatures rise in high-pressure systems. Photo: iStock

The alert warned of an “increased risk of death in vulnerable individuals and an increased likelihood of very warm indoor environments” in north-west and north-east England, west and south-west England and London.

The Heat Health Alert Service only applies to England and includes the color green (meaning no warning is issued). Yellow (indicates response is required) Amber (enhanced response is required) Red (emergency response) indicates serious risk to life.

What types of notifications are there?

Green – Health effects are likely to be minimal and no warning is issued under these conditions.

Yellow – Issued during heat waves that primarily affect vulnerable people. People can still continue their daily lives, but there may be minor impacts, such as disruption to travel.

Yellow – Issued in situations where there is a potential risk to life and property, as well as travel delays and rail closures, with the potential to impact overall health services.

Red – A red alert indicates a significant risk to life across the population. People are encouraged to take steps to stay safe. Travel disruption, energy supply disruption, property damage and risk to life may occur.

Met Office meteorologist Liam Eslick said Monday would be mostly dry with “lots of sunny weather” and highs of 28C (82F).

Cloudy and cloudy weather is forecast for western Scotland and Northern Ireland on Tuesday. Across northern England, some showers could be seen, with some thunderstorms possible, but the rest of the country could see “more sunshine”, with temperatures rising into the mid to high 20Cs.

Image: People hit the Bournemouth beach over the weekend. Photo:PA

Forecasters said Wednesday would be the warmest day so far in the south-east, with highs reaching 30C (86F).

Temperatures on Thursday are expected to remain “widespreadly warm”, reaching up to 31C in some areas.

Hotter spells will disappear for a while

The coming heat spell means a break from a rainy spring, with rainfall 32 per cent higher than the average for England and Wales, making it the fifth wettest in England and the eighth wettest in Wales, according to the Met Office.

However, the heat is only expected to last until mid-week, with showers and thunderstorms expected to continue.

Wet weather is coming from the Atlantic and a high pressure system is expected to keep the weather down for a few days.

“We are starting to see some hotter weather as we head into next week, but it will be very brief,” Met Office operations meteorologist Honor Criswick said.

Read more: Popular sunscreens fail safety tests How hot is too hot for the human body to function?

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Despite the wet weather, it was the warmest May and spring on record in the UK.

The average temperature was 13.1℃, exceeding the previous record of 12.1℃ set in 2008.

Met Office meteorologist Dan Rudman said: “Whether everyone experiences the heat wave threshold or not, the majority of the UK will experience the highest temperatures so far this year.”

“Confidence in the forecast declines noticeably from Wednesday and we will be watching this over the next few days due to uncertainty about how long the heat will last and how it will resolve.

“But next weekend there will be a better chance of cooler and more variable weather.”




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