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USMNT vs. Bolivia: Match Recap and Highlights | Copa America 2024

USMNT vs. Bolivia: Match Recap and Highlights |  Copa America 2024


ARLINGTON, Texas (June 23, 2024) — A sensational third-minute goal from captain Christian Pulisic helped propel the United States men's national team to a 2-0 shutout victory over Bolivia and an exciting start for the Copa Amrica 2024 Sunday evening at AT&T Stadium. The United States was in complete control in their Group C debut at AT&T Stadium and Pulisic was the catalyst. He opened the scoring after just 141 seconds, then orchestrated a goal from Folarin Balogun late in the first half that effectively put the game out of reach.

A crowd of 47,873 saw the USMNT launch its fifth appearance in this prestigious competition launched in 1916 and which is being played for the second time in the United States. Pulisic, the only member of the current squad to have appeared in this tournament, looked completely comfortable at kick-off on Sunday.

The United States was awarded an early corner and instead of playing it towards the penalty area, Pulisic touched it short to Tim Weah and then ran towards the top left corner of the penalty area. Weah returned the ball and Pulisic took a touch to his right before launching a perfect curling shot that flew just beyond the reach of Bolivian goalkeeper Guillermo Viscarra. At the age of 17, Pulisic scored his first USMNT goal against the same goalkeeper in a friendly match in 2016. On Sunday, Pulisic scored his 30th goal, putting him alongside Brian McBride in fifth place from the all-time list.

Now 25 and coming off a career season at AC Milan, Pulisic has reached 30 goals in a USMNT record 69 caps. He is the second youngest player to reach this milestone, behind Landon Donovan.

The Americans remained in control as the match stabilized and Bolivia, ranked 84th in the world, buckled but refused to break. As halftime approached, the United States' dominance in ball possession finally paid off. Pulisic was the instigator again in the 44th minute, drifting centrally and dropping a little deeper to receive a pass from Gio Reyna, who produced an efficient two-way performance. Pulisic turned and dribbled into the heart of Bolivia's half, drawing several defenders towards him before feeding an open Balogun on the left. The AS Monaco striker finished with his left foot, on his third shot of the period, scoring his fourth goal in the American jersey and the first of 2024.

A third goal looked likely as the United States remained in front after halftime, but Viscarra made several excellent saves. He denied Pulisic in the 60th and replacement striker Ricardo Pepi in the 79th and 80th minutes, then again on the doorstep in the final seconds.

That third goal wasn't necessary, however, as the Americans never let Bolivia establish any rhythm going forward. The four American defenders, Antonee Robinson, Tim Ream, Chris Richards and Joe Scally, starting together for the third consecutive game, looked comfortable. Bolivia had just one touch throughout the match inside the US penalty area and goalkeeper Matt Turner only had three relatively routine saves to make before securing another shutout. Celebrating his 30th birthday a day earlier, Turner notched his 25th clean sheet in just 42 appearances, breaking the program record for fastest to reach that milestone set by Kasey Keller (53 caps).

The United States is now 3-2-4 against Bolivia and 1-1-0 in the Copa Amrica, avenging its group stage defeat in 1995. Uruguay and Panama, the other nations in the group C, were to meet later. Sunday in Miami. The USMNT (1-0-0) will continue its group stage run on Thursday, June 27 when it takes on Panama at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta (6 p.m. ET; FOX, Univision, TUDN, FDP Radio).


United States Christian Pulisic (Tim Weah), 3rd minute: Pulisic flicked a short corner to Weah then drifted to the left corner of the penalty area, where he received the ball back. The U.S. captain hit the penalty area then fired a curling right-footed shot that grazed the diving Bolivian keeper's fingertips, looked under the crossbar and over the line. USA 1, BOL 0

USA Folarin Balogun (Christian Pulisic), 44th minute: Pulisic finished the half as the creator, moving centrally to receive the ball from a deep Gio Reyna, then turning and dribbling upfield. The captain attracted several Bolivian defenders before slipping a pass from the left to Balogun. The striker created some space with a touch to his left, then returned the ball across his body, past goalkeeper Guillermo Viscarra and inside the right post. USA 2, BOWL 0 FINAL.

ADDITIONAL NOTESChristian Pulisic's third-minute goal was the 30th of his international career, a total that places him tied with Brian McBride for fifth on the USMNT's all-time goalscoring list. Pulisic joined Eric Wynalda and Clint Dempsey as the third player to score for the USMNT. in five different competitions. With his assist, he also became the first USMNT player to provide assists in five different competitions. Pulisic's goal officially scored at 2:23 was the fastest the USMNT had ever scored against a CONMEBOL opponent in a competitive match, as well as the USMNT's fastest. goal scored during the Copa Amrica match. Pulisic became the second USMNT player to record a goal and an assist in a single Copa Amrica match alongside Clint Dempsey, who accomplished the feat twice in 2016. Folarin Balogun scored the team's fourth goal his international career to put the USMNT leading 2-0 in the 44th minute. It was Baloguns' first goal of 2024 in his 13th appearance for USTim Weah recorded his fifth career assist in Pulisic's opener. Matt Turner made three saves for his 25th career shutout, moving him past Brad Friedel into sole possession for fourth all-time among the USMNT. goalkeepers. Turner also won his 32nd cap in official competition, tied with Friedel for fourth. Today's starting lineup had an average age of 25 years and 339 days. This was the second-oldest squad deployed by Gregg Berhalter in a tournament group stage match behind the XI that faced Haiti in the opening match of the 2021 Concacaf Gold Cup (25 years , 360 days). The starting XI averaged 37.3 caps in total and 22 in official competition. Berhalter made two changes to the lineup after the 1-1 draw against Brazil on June 12, inserting midfielder Tyler Adams and forward Folarin Balogun. Adams last started for the USMNT at AT&T Stadium when he scored the game-winning goal in the 2–0 victory over Mexico in the Concacaf Nations League final on March 24, while Balogun returns to the lineup after playing a substitute role against Brazil. The win broke the deadlock in the USMNT's all-time series with Bolivia, bringing their record to 3W-2D-4L. It was also the USMNT's third straight victory against their South American counterparts. Pulisic captained the team for the 24th time tonight, tying Kasey Keller for seventh on the USMNT's all-time captain list. The United States is 17V-3L-4D when Pulisic wears the armband. At 36 years and 261 days, central defender Tim Ream became the oldest outfield player to appear for the United States in the Copa Amrica. The previous oldest was Fernando Clavijo, who was 36 years and 150 days old when he played in the 3-3 draw against Venezuela on June 22, 1993 in Quito, Ecuador. The USMNT is undefeated in its last 19 games in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. , holding an all-time record of 14W-1L-5D in DFW. The United States is also a perfect 6-0-0 at AT&T Stadium. The victory was Berhalter's 44th victory in his 72nd game as USMNT head coach, putting him ahead of Bob Bradley in third all-time. He is behind Bruce Arena (81 wins/148 games) and Jurgen Klinsmann (55 wins/98 games). Berhalter's overall record as head coach of the USMNT is 44W-15L-13L, with a record of 29W-7L-7L in 43 official matches. competition.-United States Men's National Team Game Report-

Match: United States Men's National Team vs. Bolivia Date: June 23, 2024 Competition: Copa Amrica Group 2024 CV Location: AT&T Stadium; Arlington, Texas. Attendance: 47,873 Kickoff: 5:00 p.m. ET Weather: 72 degrees (indoors)

Summary of scores 1 2 W USA 2 0 2 BOL 0 0 0 USA – Christian Pulisic (Tim Weah) 3rd minute USA – Folarin Balogun (Christian Pulisic) 44

Lineups: United States: 1-Matt Turner; 22-Joe Scally, 3-Chris Richards, 13-Tim Ream, 5-Antonee Robinson; 7-Gio Reyna (9-Ricardo Pepi, 65 years old), 4-Tyler Adams (6-Yunus Musah, 46 years old), 8-Weston McKennie (14-Luca de la Torre, 78 years old); 21-Tim Weah (11-Brenden Aaronson, 86), 20-Folarin Balogun (15-Johnny Cardoso, 66), 10-Christian Pulisic (Capt.) Subs: 18-Ethan Horvath, 25-Sean Johnson, 2-Cameron Carter -Vickers, 12-Miles Robinson, 16-Shaq Moore, 17-Malik Tillman, 19-Haji Wright, 23-Kristoffer Lund, 24-Mark McKenzie, 26-Josh SargentHead coach: Gregg Berhalter

BOWL: 23-Guillermo Viscarra; 17-Roberto Fernández (10-Ramiro Vaca, 75 years old), 4-Luis Haquín, 3-Diego Medina (8-Jaume Cullar, 45 years old), 21-Jos Sagredo, 2-Jess Sagredo; 6-Leonel Justiniano (18-Rodrigo Ramallo, 45 years old), 15-Gabriel Villamil, 20-Fernando Saucedo; 19-Bruno Miranda (11-Carmelo Algaraaz, 67), 9-Csar Menacho (7-Miguel Terceros, 45) Substitutes: 1-Carlos Lampe, 12-Gustavo Almada, 24-Marcelo Surez, 5-Adrin Jusino, 25-Yomar Rocha, 16-Boris Cspedes, 22-Hctor Cullar, 14-Robson Matheus, 26-Adalid Terrazas, 13-Lucas ChvezHead coach: Antnio Carlos Zago

Summary of statistics: USA / BOLSirs: 20 / 6Shoots on goal: 8 / 3Saved: 3 / 6Corners: 7 / 1Fouls: 8 / 17Offside: 1 / 1

Misconduct Summary: BOL Leonel Justiniano (Attention) 27th minuteBOL – Gabriel Villaml (Attention) 28BOL – Luis Haqun (Attention) 31USA Weston McKennie (Attention) 49BOL – Jess Sagredo (Attention) 90+2

Officials:Referee: Maurizio Mariani (ITA)Assistant 1: Daniele Bindoni (ITA)Assistant 2:Alberto Tegoni (ITA)Fourth official: Jhon Ospina (COL)5th official: Jhon Gallego (COL)VAR: Marco Di Bello (ITA)AVAR : Aleandro Di Paolo (ITA)

Michelob Ultra Man of the match: Christian Pulisic




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