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USA vs Bolivia: Everything you need to know, how to watch

USA vs Bolivia: Everything you need to know, how to watch


It's finally here. The United States men's national team will begin its CONMEBOL Copa Amrica campaign on Sunday with a match against Bolivia at AT&T Stadium in Dallas. We've rounded up everything you need to know before the ball begins!

How to watch USA vs. Bolivia

The game will air on FOX and the FOX Sports app at 6 p.m. ET on Sunday.

Get to Know the USMNTNew to the US Men's National Team? Don't worry, FOX Sports has put together a comprehensive player-by-player guide to all 23 players called up for the Copa Amrica, with player biographies from FOX Sports soccer journalists Doug McIntyre and Laken Litman. [FULL GUIDE HERE]The United States, competing with an invited team, qualified for the Copa Amrica by winning the CONCACAF Nations League quarterfinals against Trinidad and Tobago 4-2 on aggregate in November. This is the United States' fifth appearance in the Copa Amrica. They advanced past the group stage in two of their previous four Copas, finishing fourth in both those editions. USA 2024 is the second time the Americans will host the Copa Amrica (2016). The last time they hosted, they topped their group with Colombia, Costa Rica and Paraguay. In their four Copa appearances, the United States has lost its opening match three times, with its only opening victory coming in 1995 against Chile. The United States placed 11th overall. FIFA and first by CONCACAF. Christian Pulisic leads the USMNT with 68 appearances and 29 goals. At club level, Pulisic has just had his best season statistically with 15 goals and 10 assists in all competitions with Italian giant AC Milan. Weston McKennie is one of the most important players on the pitch for the United States with 53 appearances, 11 goals. and seven assists for the United States. McKennie started all four of the United States' games at the 2022 World Cup and played a crucial role in the 2020 Nations League final, scoring an equalizing goal that sent the match into overtime. Antonee Robinson is a dynamic left-back who has cemented his place. in this position for the United States, after playing 43 matches for his country. Robinson has been recognized as Fulham's Player of the Season for the 2023/24 campaign. Gregg Berhalter will lead the United States into another international competition after leading them in the 2022 World Cup, where they advanced to the round of 16 and beat the Netherlands 3-1. At the continental level, Berhalter has won three trophies: the 2021 Gold Cup and the CONCACAF Nations League twice (2020, 2024). The United States is an automatic candidate for the 2026 World Cup as host, and Berhalter's contract runs through 2026. Berhalter has a record of 43W-13D-15D as head coach of the United States. United. USA vs. Bolivia Final Match Preview | Copa America 2024

Check out this final match preview from the “Euro Today” team ahead of the USA-Bolivia match.

Bolivia Scouting Report Bolivia, winners of the Copa Amrica in 1963, have not progressed from the group stage in the last three editions of the tournament, their last appearance in the knockout stage was in 2015, losing to Peru 3-1 in the quarter-finals. haven't won a Copa Amrica match since 2015, when they beat Ecuador 3-2 in their second group match. The last time Bolivia won a Copa opener was in 1997, when they beat Venezuela 1-0. Since then, she has had five draws and four defeats. Bolivia did not qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. They have failed to qualify for the World Cup in each of the last seven cycles, with their last World Cup appearance being to 1994, when the United States hosted the tournament. Bolivia participated in two other World Cups (1950, 1930), but never advanced beyond the group stage or achieved a victory. Bolivia is currently ranked 85th in the overall FIFA rankings and 10th by CONMEBOL. Ramiro Vaca should be a key player for Bolivia. The 24-year-old has made 34 appearances for Bolivia, scoring four goals. Bolivia has never lost when Vaca scored. The Bolivian team has nine players from the national club Bolvar. This is the highest number of club affiliations on a single team in the tournament; the second is Saprissa, with six team members representing Costa Rica at this tournament. Miguel Terceros is a brilliant young player for Bolivia with 12 appearances for Bolivia at 20 years old. He scored his first goal for his national team in a friendly match against Ecuador earlier in June, but Bolivia lost 3–1. With Santos, now playing in the Brazilian Serie B, he mainly played with the U20 and cup teams. In 13 appearances in all competitions in 2024, he has scored 13 goals (eight goals, five assists). Antnio Carlos Zago will lead Bolivia in the 2024 Copa Amrica in his first national team role in his 15-year coaching career. He took office in October 2023 and took Bolivia from dead last (10th) in the South American World Cup qualifiers, with four defeats in four matches, to ninth place with three points (seven teams can qualify). to qualify). of the Copa Amrica compared to other major international football tournaments? Doug McIntyre spoke with members of four different American Copa Amrica teams to learn the oral history of the United States' place in a historic tournament. The Copa Amrica has a reputation for being an intense and physical tournament, and the United States plans to match that energy in its opener against Bolivia. “I still think it’s a different type of game,” Tyler Adams said. Read Laken Litman's overview of the day. How far will the United States go in the tournament? Alexi Lalas gives his round-by-round predictions for the Copa Amrica. This group of young players has been touted as America's golden generation, but would any of them make the USMNT's all-time starting lineup? Doug McIntyre chooses his team. What does the USMNT's best XI look like in the Copa Amrica? Alexi Lalas, Stu Holden, Doug McIntyre and Laken Litman make their choice. Chris “The Bear” Falica has placed his bet for the United States against Bolivia, who does he have in mind?

All statistics courtesy of FOX Sports Research.

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The USMNT has grown. Now they have the chance to prove it in the Copa Amrica 2024. Round-by-round predictions for the Copa Amrica 2024 Copa Amrica 2024 schedule: dates, TV channels and how to watch the stadiums, venues and host cities of the Copa Amrica Copa Amrica 2024. USA knows they need to bring 'intensity' for Copa Amrica: 'The mentality is different' Copa Amrica Guide, Group B: Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, Jamaica Copa Amrica 2024 Odds , choice: Argentina, Messi favored; Brazil ends with Guillermo Ochoa, Raul Jimenez and Hirving Lozano left Mexico's Copa Amrica squad. Claudio Bravo makes 4 saves in a historic start for Chile to face Peru to a scoreless draw in the Copa Amrica. Get more from Copa Amrica Follow your favorites for information on games, news and more




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