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Live recap of the final of day 9

Live recap of the final of day 9



My friends, here it is: the final session of the 2024 US Olympic Trials. After a week of incredible racing, there are only two finals left: the women's 50m freestyle and the men's 1500m freestyle.

Gretchen Walsh and Torri Husket rose to the challenge in the 50 free semi-finals last night, breaking lifetime bests of 24.06 and 24.09 respectively. Not only did this move them up to 4th and 6th on the list of fastest Americans in history, but it also separated them from the rest of the field by about four-tenths – a huge margin. But Weitzei Abbey and Simone Manuel were the top two in this event in the last two Olympic events. They are the 3rd and 4th qualified for the final and are both aiming for an individual event for the Paris Games.

Bobby Finke is expected to take control of the men's 1500 freestyle. He is aiming for a sweep of the men's distance events in Indianapolis, after winning the 800 freestyle earlier this week. It would be a huge upset if someone dethroned Finke, the American record holder and 3rd fastest of all time, as he looks to win this event for the second time in a row. The race for second place heats up behind him as Luke Whitlock looks to lock in another Olympic event. But as the only man in the final other than Finke who was under the TQO (15:00.99), it is Charlie Clark who could hold an advantage over Whitlock and other likely contenders, David Johnston and Daniel Matheson.

Women's 50m freestyle final


Simone Manuel (SUN), 24.13 Gretchen Walsh (NAC), 24.15 Abbey Weitzeil (CAL), 24.26 Torri Huske (AAC), 24.33 Rylee Erisman (LAKR), 24.62 Erika Connolly (TNAQ) , 24.63 Catie DeLoof (NYAC), 24.69 Maxine Parker (CA-Y), 24:90

On the final evening of trials, Simone Manuel took her swimming comeback to a new level by adding an individual event to her Olympic program in Paris. She already qualified for Team USA in the 4×100 free relay, but her victory here in the 50 free gives her a chance to compete in the 50 free for the third consecutive Olympics.

In 2021, Manuel punched his ticket to Paris at this event – ​​his last opportunity. Tonight, Manuel took his final opportunity to compete in a two-handed individual event, swimming his best time since the 2019 World Championships and taking victory in 24.13. This time takes 0.21 seconds off her season record and places her 8th in the world this season.

Both Gretchen Wals and Torri Huske added times from their semifinals, which would have secured first and second place in this final. Despite adding 0.09 seconds, Walsh still managed to get his hands on the wall in 2nd place with a 24.15, adding to his Paris program. She was 0.02 seconds behind Manuel's time and the swim was the second fastest of his career.

Abbey Weitzeil had a good swim, taking 3rd place in 24.26, knocking 0.01 seconds off her season best and finishing ahead of Huske's 24.33.

Rylee Erisman, 15, finished 5th in 24.62, taking another 0.04 seconds off her personal best. In the semifinals, she rose to 2nd place in the 15-16 age group according to USA Swimming with a 24.66. She improved her position of 2nd in the age group with this swim, behind only Claire Curzan's 24.17.

Men's 1500 Freestyle Final World Record: Sun Yang (CHN) 14:31.02 (2012) American Record: Bobby Finke 14:31.59 (2023) US Open Record: Bobby Finke (USA) 14:42 .81 (2023) Junior World Record: Franko Grgic (CRO) 14:46.09 (2019) 2021 U.S. Olympic Trials Champion: Bobby Finke 14:46.06 2024 Olympic Qualifying Time: 15:00.99


Bobby Finke (SPA), 14:40.28 US open record David Johnston (TST), 14:52.74 Luke Whitlock (FAST), 14:53.00 Daniel Matheson (SUN), 14:59.51 Luke Ellis (SAND), 15:06.71 Charlie Clark (OSU), 15:12.60 William Mulgrew (SAC), 15:17.62 Carson Hick (KYA), 15:17.92

As expected, Bobby Finke ran away with the men's 1500 freestyle, sweeping the men's distance races for the second consecutive Olympic trials. Finke powered away to win the event in 14:40.28, erasing his own US Open record. He set that mark at 14:42.81 at the 2023 U.S. National Championships; later that summer in Fukuoka, he became the 3rd fastest in history (14:31.59), winning silver at the Worlds after an incredible race with Ahmed Hafnaoui.

His appearance here this evening places him 2nd in the world this season after Daniel Wiffen's gold medal at the World Championships in Doha in February.

2RobertFINKE USA14:40.3806/233Gregorio PALTRINIERIITA14:41.3811/284FlorianWELLBROCK GER14:42.2804/285DavidAUBRY FRA14:44.8502/18See Top 31»

There was a great race for the second and final place in the men's Olympic list. At the start of the race, it was Daniel Matheson, in lane 1, who had control of second place, which he ceded to Luke Whitlock at the 250 meter mark. David Johnston was also trailing and he passed Matheson at the 450 meter turn. go to 3rd.

Matheson began to lose contact with Whitlock and Johnston during the second 500 meters. Whitlock and Johnston ran side by side and watched each other closely. Johnston took second at 1,100 meters and began to increase his lead over Whitlock from there, consistently splitting 29 mids to Whitlock's 29 highs.

Johnston held a 1.75-second lead over Whitlock heading into the final 100 meters. But like in the 800 free, Whitlock had a killer close to his race. He shifted into high gear and erased almost all of Johnston's lead over him. The 18-year-old split a time of 57.19 over the final 100 (with a best of 27.74 over the final 50), but ran out of room to catch Johnston, touching 0.26 seconds behind Johnston for 3rd place.

Johnston held off Whitlock for second place, running a huge lifetime best of 14:52.74. It was a drop of 9.68 seconds for Johnston, who sails under the TQO and earns him his first Olympic berth after finishing 3rd in the 400 free and 4th in the 800 free earlier this week.

Heading into the final, only Finke and Clark had broken 15 minutes before. Johnston, Whitlock (14:53.00) and Matheson (14:59.51) all broke that barrier for the first time tonight. Whitlock dropped 14.36 seconds to finish 3rd and Matheson beat his old personal best by 2.44 seconds, taking 4th place in 14:59.51.




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