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UK general election: Who are the main political parties and what are their main plans? | election news

UK general election: Who are the main political parties and what are their main plans?  |  election news


Britain is heading to a vote on July 4 after Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a snap election on May 22.

The political parties competing for 650 seats in the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament, have all published manifestos detailing their positions on issues including the economy, the National Health Service (NHS), immigration and Britain's relations with European countries. Union.

Britain's last general election was in December 2019, when Boris Johnson returned the Conservatives to power. Following Sunak's announcement, Parliament was dissolved on May 30 and the country entered a period known as purdah. During this period, public officials and local governments should refrain from announcing new plans or initiatives that may favor certain political parties. . However, Purdah does not restrict the voting activities of political candidates.

The major political parties and their pledges ahead of the general election are as follows.


The Conservative and Coalition parties, also known informally as the Tories or Tory Party.

Political leaning: Center-right to right

Year of formation: 1834

Manifesto: Reduce borrowing and debt and cut taxes by 17.2 billion pounds ($22 billion) per year by 2029-2030. Increase NHS spending above inflation and hire an additional 92,000 nurses and 28,000 doctors. Increase defense spending to 2.5% of gross domestic product (GDP). Build post-Brexit relationships in Europe. Impose binding limits on legal immigration and deport asylum seekers who arrive in Rwanda through irregular means.

Current Leader: Rishi Sunak

Later in power: 2010 (first five years in coalition with the Liberal Democrats) under Prime Minister David Cameron, followed by Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.

Number of House seats in the outgoing Congress: 344

Recent polls show support: According to YouGov, a UK public opinion and data monitoring company, 20% of people polled said they intend to vote Conservative as of June 18. The Conservatives won 43% of the popular vote in 2019.


Political tendency: Center left

Year of formation: 1900

Manifesto: Introduce a new industrial strategy and focus on wealth creation rather than increased taxes. Reduce NHS waiting times by adding 40,000 more health appointments each week and doubling the number of cancer scanners. Scrap government plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda and instead strengthen border security and improve relations with Europe.

Current leader: Keir Starmer

Last government: Tony Blair and Gordon Brown from 1997 to 2010

Number of House seats in the outgoing Congress: 205

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 36%. In 2019, the party won 32% of the vote.

Liberal Democratic Party

Political leaning: center to center-left

Founded in 1859, it was formed in 1988 by a coalition of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party, which formed a powerful force in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Manifesto: Improving relations with the European Union. Focus on renewable energy. Increase the number of doctors and pay caregivers. Increase defense spending to at least 2.5% of annual GDP. Scrap the Rwanda plan and lift the ban on work by asylum seekers. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hire a mental health professional in every school by 2045.

Current Leader: Ed Davey

Time in power: 2010 to 2015, a coalition between Cameron's Conservative Party and then-Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister.

House seats in outgoing Congress: 15

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 14%. In 2019, the party won 12% of the vote.


Political tendency: Left-wing ecological politics

Year of formation: 1990

Manifesto: Raise taxes on the rich. Bring railroads, water and energy companies under state control. Increase the NHS budget. Cancel Trident, Britain’s nuclear deterrence programme. Helps immigrants establish and end minimum income requirements for spouses of work visa holders. Rejoin the EU. Stop extracting all new fossil fuels and rely on wind and solar power. Scrap University Undergraduate Tuition Fee

Current Leaders: Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay

House seats in the outgoing Congress: 1

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 7%, highest ever. In 2019, the party received 1% of the vote.

british reform

Political tendency: Right wing

Year of formation: 2019 (Brexit Party)

manifesto [or a contract with voters, as the party calls it]: Speed ​​up infrastructure projects. Cut bureaucracy by repealing employment laws that make it difficult for employers to hire and fire workers. Reduce tax on property purchases, cut taxes for frontline NHS and social care staff and provide tax relief for private healthcare. Recruit 30,000 new Army personnel and increase defense spending. Detain and deport undocumented immigrants. Scrap more than 6,700 EU rules that the UK has retained since Brexit. Ban transgender ideology from schools.

Current Leader: Nigel Farage

House seats in the outgoing Congress: 1

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 18%. In 2019, the Brexit Party won 2% of the vote.

Scottish National Party

Political orientation: center-left

Year of formation: 1934

Declaration: Scotland's independence from England will be achieved. Protect the NHS from privatization and austerity, and increase investment in hospitals, schools, rail and road infrastructure. Scrap Trident. Increase maternity pay. Rejoin the EU. Scrap the Rwanda plan. We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Current leader: John Swinney

House seats in previous Congress: 43

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 3%. In 2019, it received 4% of the vote.

Plaid Cymru

Political leaning: Center left to left

Year of formation: 1925

Manifesto: Achieve independence for Wales. Fair Funding Agency for Wales. Recruit 500 more general practitioners. Increase child benefit payments by 20 pounds ($25) per week. Rejoin the EU and single market.

Current leader: Rhun ap Iorwerth

House seats in previous parliament: 3

Latest opinion poll approval rating: 1%. In 2019, it received 0.5% of the vote.




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