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USA 2-0 Bolivia (June 23, 2024) Match Analysis

USA 2-0 Bolivia (June 23, 2024) Match Analysis


Christian Pulisic scored in the third minute and assisted on Folarin Balogun's goal in the 44th as the United States beat Bolivia 2-0 in their Copa Amrica opener Sunday night in Arlington, USA. Texas.

Pulisic joined Clint Dempsey as the only American players with a goal and an assist in a Copa Amrica match. Pulisic has also reached 30 goals in 69 international matches, the fewest matches needed to stand out among Americans.

“We came out with a lot of intensity. Obviously that first goal helped us a lot,” Pulisic said. “Overall it was a pretty dominant performance. I think we could have put that aside and scored more goals there.”

Among the six invitees to the South American championship, the United States is expected to advance from Group C to the quarterfinals with Uruguay.

“It's a huge start for us. Build confidence,” said U.S. defender Antonee Robinson. “If we had been picky we could have been a lot more clinical. We could have scored two or three more goals.”

Bolivia have lost their 13th consecutive Copa Amrica match since 2015, and they have one victory in their last 31 matches.

The 11th-ranked United States plays Panama on Thursday in Atlanta and closes the group against Uruguay on July 1 in Kansas City, Missouri. No. 84 Bolivia will meet Uruguay on Thursday in East Rutherford, New Jersey, then face Panama on July 1 in Orlando, Florida.

American players celebrate after scoring a goal in their Copa Amrica opener against Bolivia.

A crowd of 47,873 attended Sunday's match under the retractable roof of the 80,000-seat AT&T Stadium, which will host a World Cup semifinal in two years. It was 97 degrees Fahrenheit outside the kickoff home of the NFL's Dallas Cowboys, but inside was air conditioned.

American goalkeeper Matt Turner, playing a day before his 30th birthday, made three saves in his 25th international shutout.

The United States improved to 6-0 at AT&T Stadium as it opened its fifth appearance at the Copa Amrica, the first since reaching the semifinals as co-host in 2016.

The United States had 18 touches in the offensive penalty area in the first half, and Bolivia had none.

Pulisic put the United States ahead 2:23, the fastest American goal in 34 competitive matches against South American opponents. He played a short corner to Timothy Weah and ran towards the penalty area. Weah played the ball back to Pulisic, who touched the ball and, just inside the box, fired a right-footed shot over the outstretched fingertips of goalkeeper Guillermo Viscarra and into the far corner for his 30th international goal.

Balogun doubled the lead when he received a pass from Pulisic, took several touches and fired a low left-footed shot along the floor past defender Jess Sagredo and inside Viscarra's far post for his fourth goal in 13 appearances.

Balogun put the ball in the net again in the 53rd minute off a pass from Weah, but the Juventus winger was whistled for offside when he received the ball from Weston McKennie in the build-up, a decision confirmed in a video review.

American midfielder Tyler Adams, fully fit after a back injury, played the first half in his first start for club or country since March 30. Adams and Balogun were inserted into the starting lineup in place of Yunus Musah and Ricardo Pepi in two changes to the designated lineup for a 1–1 draw against Brazil on June 12.

Musah replaced Adams at the start of the second half and Pepi came on in the 65th minute.

Viscarra pushed Pepi's 79th-minute shot over the crossbar, then stopped Pepi in the 90th with a first attempt from close range and another on the rebound.




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