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The hottest day of the year when a heat wave warning was issued

The hottest day of the year when a heat wave warning was issued


46 minutes ago

ByBen Rich,BBC WeatherLipika Pelham,BBC News

BBC Weather Watchers/Bobbly Hat

Couple taking a walk on the beach in Eastbourne, East Sussex

Britain has recorded its hottest day so far this year as yellow fever health alerts remain in place for millions of people.

The highest temperature in Wisley, Surrey, was 28.3C (82.9F), according to BBC Weather.

Scotland and Northern Ireland also recorded their hottest temperatures so far this year. However, Wales failed to beat their previous record set in May.

Temperatures could continue to rise in some areas this week, reaching 30C (86F), forecasters said.

A yellow fever health alert has been issued for most of England, which will remain in force in eight areas until 17:00 on Thursday.

A yellow alert issued by the UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) indicates that weather conditions may pose a risk, particularly to vulnerable people.

UKHSA said there could be minimal impact across the health and social care sector.

What is the latest weather forecast?

Warm air surged north across the UK on Monday, with some areas set to record their highest temperatures of 2024.

England, Scotland and Northern Ireland all recorded their highest temperatures of the year on Monday, according to BBC Weather.

Temperatures reached 28.3C (82.9F) in Wisley, Surrey. 27.3C (81.1F), Aboyne, Aberdeenshire; In Magilligan, County Londonderry, it is 25.9C (78.6F).

The highest temperature in Wales on Monday was 24.8C (76.6F) in Hawarden, Flintshire. However, this did not surpass this year's record of 25.1C set at Gogerddan in May.

Wednesday is likely to be the hottest day in England and Wales this week, but probably slightly warmer than Tuesday, BBC forecaster John Hutchinson said.

Temperatures in southeast England during the week are likely to be 28 to 29 degrees, with 30 degrees possible in some areas, he added. Highs of 25-26C are expected in parts of Wales.

Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to see the warmest weather on Monday, with cloudy and cool weather expected to arrive from the west on Tuesday.

Some showers are expected in northern England on Tuesday and Wednesday, while the south will remain dry, Prime Minister Hutchinson added.

Some areas may reach the Met Office's official heatwave criteria. Nights will also be warmer and wetter than we have been used to recently, with overnight lows in some areas falling into the mid-teens Celsius.

Pollen allergy sufferers may notice that pollen levels will be very high in most parts of the UK over the next few days.

The weather is expected to become cooler and wetter on Thursday as cold air moves in from the west. Depending on the time of year, it could be another hot day for southeast England, but cooler weather is expected to arrive on Friday morning, Prime Minister Hutchinson said. Some parts of the Southeast may not see as much rain, he added.

Mr Hutchinson said six out of seven days in June saw highs exceeding 32C somewhere in the UK.

What is a Heat Health Alert?

The weather health alert system, run by UKHSA and the Met Office, was introduced in June 2023. This service only applies to the UK.

Weather alerts are available to those who sign up and are emailed to you.

Heat warnings are generally issued between June 1 and September 30, while cold warnings are issued between November 1 and March 30.

The system alerts the public and sends guidance directly to NHS England, the government and other healthcare professionals during periods of severe weather.

Alerts are categorized by severity and include:

Headline weather forecast over the next few daysDetails on how weather conditions will affect your regionLinks to further information, advice and guidance

The system is designed to help reduce illness and death by improving communication between the public and relevant agencies during periods of severe weather.

Heatwave health warnings are different from Met Office weather warnings (coded red, amber and yellow) which are issued for heat waves as well as rain, wind, snow, ice, fog, thunderstorms and lightning.

Where are the latest heat hygiene alerts?

A yellow heat wave health warning has been activated for all but one part of England from 8am on Monday 24 June.

East MidlandsWest MidlandsNorthwestSoutheastSouthwestEnglandEastLondonYorkshire and Humber

The northeast is not affected.

The warning will remain in place until 17:00 on Thursday 27 June.

The weather is expected to become cooler, cloudier and wetter through the weekend, but the Met Office said it was unclear how quickly that change would occur.


A yellow alert is in place for all but one region in the northeast.

What about Glastonbury?

The Glastonbury Festival is famous for causing a storm. But should festival goers pack supplies this year?

Worthy Farm has had a largely dry few days, so the ground looked quite hard and dry before the festival, which begins on Wednesday.

Heat and humidity will increase in the first half of this week. Things will get a little fresher starting Thursday afternoon as a weak weather front brings more clouds and a chance of some rain.

Temperatures will be quite comfortable until the weekend, around 19 to 21 degrees.

There will be many spells of sunlight. There is a small chance that a few showers will pass by, but they are likely to be few and far between.




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