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Disney expands its audience graph and cleanroom technology beyond the United States

Disney expands its audience graph and cleanroom technology beyond the United States


Hola, Disney+ with ads.

On Monday, Disney announced the expansion of its audience graph and cleanroom technology in Latin America, marking the first time they will be available outside the United States, said Dana McGraw, executive vice president of data science and measurement. The announcement comes ahead of this week's launch of Disney+ with ads in Latin America (LATAM).

Disney uses its BridgeID audience identifier, which it officially unveiled at Cannes Lions last week, to help LATAM advertisers match and target audiences across its inventory.

Additionally, the LATAM Disney+ app will include content from Star+, which features ESPN sports, so advertisers can purchase ads from Disney inventory in one place. The redesign emulates the new American app that combines Disney+ and Hulu (except Hulu continues to exist as a standalone app, while Star+, which was only available in LATAM, is no more).

Disney is also partnering with Mercado Libre, an e-commerce site and LATAM loyalty program with its own ad-buying platform. This partnership will help brands target and attribute ads on Disney+ based on e-commerce results, including retail and purchase data. Brands can also bid on these ads programmatically.

Build a bridge

Disney officially announced BridgeID on Wednesday, but the earliest iterations have been around since 2022, when the studio integrated with The Trade Desk to use its UID 2.0 identifier.

To match its data with UID2 identifiers, Disney uses synthetic identifiers, which are encrypted identifiers based on its audience graph that match households but contain no identifying information. These identifiers also change, so advertisers cannot create persistent profiles. If an advertiser runs a two-month campaign and uses Disney Synthetic IDs to measure reach and frequency, those IDs will disappear in the next campaign.

Essentially, BridgeID is this synthetic identifier, but it can work with other identifiers beyond UID2, McGraw said.

BridgeID also partners with Yahoos ConnectID, LiveRamps RampID and Experians LUID. McGraw said Disney is better equipped to grow its streaming business globally if its audience graph is interoperable with more identifiers, some of which have footprints in different markets or business categories.

Plus, she added, more data means higher match rates.

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However, advertisers want more than precise, large-scale advertising campaigns; they want to generate attributable sales.

That's where the new partnership with Mercado Libre comes in, said Kattia Quintanilla, vice president of Disney advertising sales in LATAM.

Specifically, Disney expects an increase in demand from existing advertisers who want to supplement their direct purchases with the studio with additional targeting data available programmatically, she said.

Disney also expects to see new small and medium-sized businesses in the region using the Mercado Libres self-service platform, she added. Previously, these advertisers did not have local or specific audience targeting to justify a costly streaming campaign. A self-service platform like Mercado Libre makes trying it easier and less expensive.

Disney, like almost every other television programmer with a streaming service, is looking for ways to integrate performance metrics into streaming campaigns. In May, Disney tapped Walmart Connect to access retailer buyer data, and earlier this month it announced several new shoppable ad units.

This expansion into Latin America is the next destination on Disney's roadmap to grow its streaming business overseas, McGraw said. And that will start by expanding the data capabilities we have in the United States. [to] Latin America.




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