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US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis | Gun violence news

US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis |  Gun violence news


The surgeon general says widespread gun violence has led to unimaginable suffering for victims across the country.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared gun violence a public health crisis in the United States.

In an advisory released Tuesday, Murthy called for stricter laws to limit the widespread availability of guns, which many attribute to the country's unprecedented levels of gun violence.

Gun violence is an urgent public health crisis that has resulted in loss of life, unimaginable pain and deep grief for far too many Americans, Murthy said in a statement.

While high-profile mass shootings attract much of the attention, everyday gun violence is a persistent threat that has led to a dismal upward trend in gun injuries and deaths. Murthy noted Tuesday that young people and communities of color are particularly affected.

The impact of gun violence on young people has been particularly devastating. As noted in my new Surgeon General’s advisory, gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children and adolescents.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, Surgeon General of the United States (@Surgeon_General) June 25, 2024

It's unclear what changes, if any, the declaration might bring, as efforts to enact gun control have stalled at the federal level, where many conservative politicians staunchly oppose any attempt aimed at imposing greater limitations on access to firearms.

Many Republican-led states have moved to further ease existing restrictions. The National Rifle Association (NRA), a powerful political group that has fought to further relax limits on gun access, called the notice an expansion of the Biden administration's war on the law. respectful gun owners.

Murthy said the impact of gun violence extends beyond the approximately 50,000 people killed in the United States annually, with lingering effects for those who witness or survive shootings or who face injury or loss of loved ones.

America should be a place where we can all go to school, go to work, go to the supermarket, go to our place of worship, without having to worry that it will put our lives in danger, he told the Associated Press. calling for measures such as increased background checks, restricting guns in public spaces and banning high-powered automatic rifles.

The report notes that gun violence became the leading cause of death among American children and youth in 2020, and gun-related deaths, which include murder and accidental deaths as well as suicides, increased.

Such rates of gun violence make the United States an aberration among comparable countries: the advisory notes that the gun death rate among young people is 11 times that of France, 36 times that of Germany and 121 times that of Japan, where access to firearms is highly regulated.




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