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US Navy prepares new compact agile interceptor for flight tests

US Navy prepares new compact agile interceptor for flight tests


Focused on high-density missile defense, the Compact Agile Interceptor will enable more missiles per ship with a specific focus on hypersonic missile defense.

Amid growing concerns over missile stockpile sizes and VLS cell numbers, the U.S. Navy is set to test a new surface-launched missile interceptor designed to maximize the capability of its Mark 41 VLS cells. This effort comes as production of the SM-6 ramps up through the late 2020s to meet stockpile needs, alongside increased production of the RIM-162 ESSM Block II.

The Compact Agile Interceptor aims to group several small-diameter missiles into a single Mark 41 VLS airframe while maintaining high-end performance to intercept “complex raids” from hypersonic threats. Adding a compact interceptor would add a third missile to the US Navy's inventory, capable of dealing with hypersonic threats, behind the 13.5-inch (0.34 m) SM-6 Dual I/II and the 21-inch (0.53 m) SM-6 Dual I/II. 6 Block IB.

US Navy Surface Warfare Division N96 SNA 2022 slide showing current Aegis capable missile family

One of the CAI program's main competitors – and a missile that has already been tested in a virtualized Aegis environment – ​​is Lockheed Martin's Patriot Advanced Capability 3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE). It was used in Ukraine against hypersonic aeroballistic missiles (the Kh-47M2 “Kinzhal” air-launched ballistic missile or AS-24 Killjoy) and, reportedly, against air-breathing hypersonic missiles (the 3M22 “Zircon » or “SS-N-33”). 'hypersonic cruise missile).

The diameter of the PAC-3 MSE is approximately 11.4 inches (29 cm), just over half the diameter of a common missile round used in Mark 41 VLS airframes. Despite the smaller diameter, Lockheed Martin told Naval News at the Sea Air Space 2023 (SAS) event that the intention was to leave the missile largely unchanged for integration work, effectively ending the moment to the possibility of double-packaged missiles.

I think there are many studies on what you can do. Our priority is to keep the missile as it is. So you have to get into things like folding things and stuff if you want to try to increase the capacity of a cell. What we want to do is work and collaborate together. So a missile comes off the line and can go to the Army, the Navy and it's not unique to that, it's just a way forward.

Lockheed Martin at SAS 2023

According to US Navy budget documents for FY 2025, the Compact Agile Interceptor propulsion concept has already been chosen, with plans for “the purchase of 2-3 flight test units with [the] This year's rocket launch program includes a “selected propulsion concept.” A wide range of propulsion options are being considered, from highly charged grain thrusters to solid fuel ramjets, all of which will likely be implemented on a single booster first stage.

US Navy FY2025 R&D documents describing the Agile Compact Interceptor development effort.

The PAC-3 MSE alone does not meet program requirements unless Lockheed Martin modifies the control surfaces to fold them inside the Mark 41 VLS airframe. This would allow the missiles to double-house in each VLS Mark 41 cell, thus doubling the charger capacity. This additional capability is a critical requirement for missiles in the Compact Agile Interceptor program. Tom Cavanaugh of Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control spoke about this with Naval News during SAS 2023:

If you start changing the missile design to create missile space, the cost will be prohibitive at some point. We prefer to invest in developing the capabilities we have today to support both the Navy and the Army. So I think this is the best approach rather than redesigning the missile.

Although the PAC-3 MSE has not been considered for modifications in 2023, it may now be a candidate for additional modifications in the Compact Agile Interceptor program to achieve the dual packaging needed for greater combat effectiveness. packaging. Details of the chosen propulsion system, however, have not been made public, but flight tests are planned for fiscal year 2025 which begins in October this year.




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