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Gifts and exhibits from the Japanese Emperor's visit to Buckingham Palace


Prince Charles and Queen Camilla welcomed Emperor Naruhito.

While the Emperor and Empress of Japan enjoyed the splendid surroundings of a state banquet at Beckingham Palace, King Charles greeted his guests in Japanese.

He toasted Emperor Naruhito and Queen Masako with the message 'Welcome back to Britain'.

Dinner included poached langoustines, basil mousse, Cornish halibut, quail eggs, sorbet and peaches.

In response, the Japanese Emperor spoke of how much he enjoyed being a young Oxford student.


Royal family members and politicians attended the banquet along with the Emperor and Empress.

The state banquet, held in the palace's spacious ballroom with elaborate table settings, chandeliers and floral arrangements, is the centerpiece of a state visit. Sorbet’s soft power.

As the general election campaign progresses, interest in seat allocation policies has increased.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did not attend the head table where dignitaries of the royal family, including the king and queen, Prince William, and the Japanese royal couple, were seated.

If there was to be a chat, Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer was flanked by the King's private secretary, Sir Clive Alderton.

Both party leaders are due to take part in a televised debate tomorrow night, so they'll probably have to give up their Coates and Seely Brut Reserve, Chateau Angludet, Margaux and Laurent Perrier Cuvee Rose.

If there was a message in the music, songs like I Don't Know How to Love Him, Skyfall, and They Can't Take That Away from Me were playing in the background.


Emperor Naruhito and King Charles toasted each other at the banquet.

King's Speech spoke of the close friendship between Britain and Japan.

“We have deep-rooted partnerships in science, culture, defense and trade,” the King said.

He also mentioned Japan's contributions to pop culture, including the Hello Kitty brand, and noted that the phrase Pokemon should catch it all.

Emperor Naruhito then stressed the importance of the two countries working toward genuine mutual understanding, and his remarks about building friendship after going through great difficulties seemed to refer to the past war.

The first day of the state visit began with the Emperor and Empress giving commemorative greetings to a procession of guards.

In the blazing sun, they were greeted by the King and Queen before being transported down the Mall in a traditional carriage to Buckingham Palace. The Queen wore a mask because of her horsehair allergy.

The Japanese royal family brought symbolic gifts, a black lacquer box for the king, a brocade handbag for the queen, and framed photographs of the emperor and empress.

The lacquerware is a reference to this year's Noto Peninsula earthquake, and these designs are traditional products from Wajima City, which were affected by the earthquake.

King Charles gave his guests a pair of silver and gold beakers, usually associated with a drop of Laphroaig whisky, but diplomatically a bottle of Glen Garioch from the Japanese-owned Aberdeenshire distillery. presented it.

The Queen presented Empress Masako with a handmade fan that symbolized good luck.


Queen Camilla traveled in an open carriage with Empress Masako of Japan.


The Emperor displayed Japanese items from the royal collection

Over the next few days, this diplomatic charm offensive will see Japanese visitors visit the Francis Crick Institute and Kew Gardens and make a nostalgic visit to Oxford University, where the emperor and empress studied.

As the king says in the Japanese toast, cheers or kanpai.




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