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Olympic selection at stake at UK Athletics Champs.

Olympic selection at stake at UK Athletics Champs.


The national championships at Manchester Sports City will feature athletes aiming to qualify for the Paris Olympics this weekend.

The British Athletics Championships may not be as intense as the US Olympic team trials, but this weekend's event in Manchester promises to be an exciting event for British fans.

Unlike the brutal elimination of players like Athing Mu in the American trials in Oregon, the British system is somewhat lenient. For example, Mus' rival Keely Hodgkinson was allowed to run the 400m at the British trials. Likewise, world 1500m champion Josh Kerr will also test his speed in the 800m. Meanwhile, British 100m and 200m record holder Zharnel Hughes has recently been cleared by British Athletics medical staff to miss the event entirely due to a hamstring injury.

Nonetheless, most places in the Paris squad will be hotly contested at Sportcity this weekend (29-30 June). The predicted heat wave is unlikely to hit the North West of England either, but the track and field events will certainly be hot (and hopefully drier than last year's rain-soaked events).

As usual, the top two players from the trials will be selected if they meet the qualifying criteria. See full selection criteria here.

The BBC will also be broadcasting the action live on Saturday and Sunday on its website, Red Button and iPlayer.

Looking for a potential highlight? Here are 10 things to watch out for.

Hinchliffe, a groundbreaking Briton on the sprint scene.

The North West of England had a surreal experience seven months ago when nine-time Olympic champion Carl Lewis took part in the Liverpool Cross Challenge. It could happen again this weekend when Lewis comes from Houston to support one of the athletes he coaches, Louie Hinchliffe.

The last time Sheffield athlete Hinchliffe raced in Manchester, he finished fourth in the 2022 indoor 60m race and sixth at the British Indoor Championships in Birmingham a few weeks later.

Louis Hinchliffe (Sean Price)

But there's a difference in years, as he started this summer with a wind-assisted 9.84 and won the NCAA title in Eugene with a 9.95.

Can he repeat that form on Saturday with the likes of Jeremiah Azu, Eugene Amo-Dadzie, Ojie Edoburun, Romell Glave, CJ Ujah and Reece Prescod in charge?

Are you ready to participate in the men's 800m battle royale again?

Last year's 800m final was a tough one, with Max Burgin setting the pace in 49.74 from the bell before Dan Rowden faltered in the home straight to win in 1:45.13 in a blanket finish from Ben Pattison and Burgin.

The enigmatic Burgin hasn't raced (again) so far this summer, but did participate in this weekend's event. Has he had enough recent sessions to rehabilitate his fragile Achilles tendon to make an impact?

Dan Rowden strikes Max Burgin down (Getty)

If he leads the way in typical style, we can expect the likes of world bronze medalist Pattison, defending champion Rowden, Kyle Langford, Yusuf Bizimana, Callum Dodds, Tom Randolph, Finley Mclear, Alex Botterill, Ethan Hussey, Guy Learmonth and Oliver Dustin. And Reece Sharman-Newell is chasing it hard.

But if he ran the 800m instead of the 1500m, Elliot Giles would probably start as the favorite.

Looking for a wild card? What about 1500m world champion Josh Kerr, who finished fifth in this race last year?

KJT tests his fitness in three events ahead of Paris.

Katarina Johnson-Thompson's bid to win her first European heptathlon title didn't go as planned in Rome this month, with her sidelined after three games due to a minor injury.

But it's Paris that really counts, so the world champion will be hoping to hone his skills in the high jump, 200m and javelin in Manchester this weekend.

After world champion Anna Hall qualified for Paris at the USA event and Nafi Thiam won the European crown in Rome, the heptathlon is shaping up to be one of the must-see events at this summer's Olympics. means.

Katharina Johnson-Thompson (Peter Simmons)

This weekend's high jump is expected to be particularly intense for KJT, as she faces reigning champion Morgan Lake, who also did not do well at the European Championships, finishing sixth in the final.

Asher-Smith and Neita in sprint action

When it comes to a potential head-to-head matchup, Dina Asher-Smith vs. Daryll Neita is hard to beat. Currently, Neita is competing in the 100m and 200m and Asher-Smith is competing in the 200m. However, if they meet in Manchester, you can expect a fierce battle.

Both players are in good condition. Asher-Smith won the European 100m title in Rome this month, while Neita lost the 200m gold by just a hundredth of a second to Mujinga Kambundji.

Dina Asher-Smith and Daryll Neita (Getty)

Amber Anning approved

Amber Anning moved into third place in Britain's all-time 400m rankings with a time of 49.51 in Florida earlier this summer. She also broke Katharine Merry's long-standing British indoor 200m record. This is a rare opportunity to see a US-based sprinter running on home soil.

If she can repeat her sub-50 second time in Manchester she should win. But pay attention to Laviai Nielsen, who has good information. Nicole Yeargin is showing her good form on the European circuit. Then Victoria Ohuruogu, Yemi Mary John and 800m specialist Keely Hodgkinson came down the distance for the second time this season to test their speed.

Amber Anning (Getty)

Will Gil solidify his position as a teenage star?

At just 17 years old, Phoebe Gill set a stadium record of 1:58.07 at the BMC Grand Prix at Sportcity in May. She also ran faster in Belfast in 2024, running 1:57.86, and she heads into the British Championships with the ability to make the Olympic team as a teenager.

Instead, with Keely Hodgkinson running the 400m, Jemma Reekie is the one to beat. Also look out for Erin Wallace, Alex Bell, and Ellie Baker.

Phoebe Gill (James Rhodes)

Lincoln challenges for shot title No.10

Thrower Scott Lincoln will be looking for his 10th outdoor national title this weekend and has been extremely consistent this summer.

He threw over 21m in February and has crossed the barrier again in six competitions as summer approaches. This included the same PB of 21.28m in Halle and an additional 3cm at 21.31m in Ostrava.

On his way home from a conference in Ostrava, he was reluctantly forced to put the gun in a bin at the airport after airport staff told him it was too heavy to fit in his carry-on baggage.

Scott Lincoln (Getty)

Meanwhile, at the European Championships in Rome he finished fourth, the best finish by a Briton at the event since Geoff Capes won bronze in the same city 50 years ago.

Muir is the winner of the women's 1500m.

Laura Muir is the British record holder for the 1000m, 1500m and mile, winner of the women's 1500m, two-time European 1500m champion, Commonwealth gold medalist and Tokyo Olympics silver medalist.

Now coached by Steve Vernon, British Athletics Endurance Performance Manager, she has already set a best time this summer of 3:56.35 in the 1500m, still just a few seconds off her British record. there is.

She was pushed out by Katie Snowden last year, but Georgia Bell, Revee Walcott-Nolan, Melissa Courtney-Bryant and Sarah McDonald are also likely to be in the mix.

Laura Muir (Getty)

Hudson-Smith tests its speed

Matthew Hudson-Smith, who recently set a European record of 44.07 seconds in Oslo, will run the 200m in Manchester. Don't discount his chances as he has entered this event and is a former English School winner.

Hudson-Smith will face Jerriel Quainu, Netanel Mitchell-Blake, Michael Ohioje and Jonah Epoloko.

The 400m paves the way for Charlie Dobson, who set a record of 44.38 this summer and finished runner-up to Alexander Doom at the European Championships in Rome this month.

Behind the scenes, watch Charlie Carvell, Lewis Davey, Alex Haydock-Wilson, Toby Harries and more help secure broadcast spots.

Men's 1500m (Getty)

Although there is no big race, the men's 1500m is still stacked.

Kerr may be racing the 800m, but that doesn't mean it will be an easy race for anyone. Jake Wightman, the 2022 1500m world champion, is leading the entry but will face the likes of Neil Gourley, Piers Copeland and Adam Fogg.

If Giles chooses a metric mile over 800m he will be a major contender. Should George Mills choose whether to run 1500m or 5000m? Of course, he won European silver this month behind Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

See the full timetable here.

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