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Universal theme park planned for Bedfordshire to generate £50 billion for UK economy | Travel & Leisure

Universal theme park planned for Bedfordshire to generate £50 billion for UK economy | Travel & Leisure


Film group Universal says the Hollywood theme park it plans to build in Bedfordshire, England, will be open 365 days a year and boost the British economy by nearly $50 billion.

Universal Destinations & Experiences, owned by US telecoms group Comcast, Sky's parent company, plans to build on a 192-hectare (476-acre) site at Kempston Hardwick, near Bedford. The company has an option to purchase an additional 25 hectares.

The theme park is expected to attract millions of visitors annually and will include a 500-room hotel and dining areas available to those without theme park tickets.

The park experience includes rides, shows and areas based on the most popular movies, video games and stories that people have enjoyed for decades. Universal’s existing theme parks around the world include Nintendo, Harry Potter and Shrek.

Universal Studios City Walk is located at Universal Studios Florida in Orlando. Photo: John Raoux/AP

Construction is expected to create 20,000 jobs, and once it opens, 8,000 jobs will be created initially, with more likely to be created over time, according to Universal. The company promised to pay a living wage to its employees.

Universal's analysis, prepared under Treasury guidance on economic assessment, estimates the resort will bring nearly $50 billion in economic benefits to the UK.

The net economic contribution is expected to be $35.1 billion during construction and 20 years after operation. The study found that up to $14.1 billion in additional tax returns would be filed over the same period.

Universal is still doing its due diligence and is expected to make a decision on the project by the end of the year.

The new park, which will take five to six years to build, will be built on the site of the Kempston Hardwick brickworks, once the world's largest brickworks, which closed in 2008 and was demolished in September 2021.

The company said 92% of the 6,000 people surveyed during a four-week public engagement period in May supported the theme park. He said he was delighted with the enthusiasm and overwhelmingly positive response provided during the public engagement period.

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Page Thompson, President of New Ventures at Universals, said: Universal's world-class theme parks and resorts have the potential to generate billions of dollars in economic benefits for the UK by creating thousands of high-quality jobs and attracting millions of new visitors. It has potential. To the country.

He told Sky News: We have been looking at locations across Europe and the UK for the last 10 years and we think this is the best location we have seen so far.

Currently, Universal has five theme parks around the world. In the United States, there are theme parks in Hollywood, California and Orlando, Florida. Sites in Japan, China, and Singapore are also included.

Disneyland Paris, along with Walt Disney Studios Park, is Europe's largest theme park, attracting approximately 15 million visitors annually.




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