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A new report predicts that Universal theme parks will generate $50 billion for the UK and thousands of local jobs.

A new report predicts that Universal theme parks will generate $50 billion for the UK and thousands of local jobs.


Image: Universal Destinations & Experiences

A proposed Universal theme park and resort outside Kempston could generate billions of dollars in economic benefits, according to a report released today (June 26).

And the benefits will be felt far beyond Bedford. The resort will generate nearly $50 billion for the UK and provide the Treasury with an additional $14.1 billion in tax rebates during construction and over its first 20 years of operation.

Universal Destinations & Experiences (UDX) has commissioned an Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) to demonstrate the unique opportunities world-class theme parks and resorts can bring to the UK.

This includes helping unlock economic potential and spur growth, creating thousands of high-quality jobs and generating billions of dollars in tax revenue for the country.

According to the report, the project's net economic contribution to the UK is expected to be $35.1 billion and create 20,000 jobs over the six-year construction period alone.

Once operational, the report suggests Universal will initially create 8,000 new jobs, which it says will be for a variety of high-quality, multi-disciplinary team members. The company repeatedly emphasized its commitment to paying a living wage to its employees.

UDX said in a statement: “Evidence from other theme parks shows that for every job supported within our parks, at least 1.5 additional jobs can be supported across all areas of the supply chain and economy, for a net of 20,000 additional jobs supported by the project. and will lead to support for high-quality apprenticeships.”

They also predict that the park will become one of the most visited attractions in the UK, bringing millions of visitors to Bedfordshire from across the UK and around the world.

This study was conducted as part of UDX's extensive due diligence and ongoing engagement with local and national stakeholders to realize the project's potential.

A government decision on the project was expected before parliament's summer recess.

Read: Government will not commit to response to theme park proposals before summer.

However, with a general election imminent, it is not yet known who will ultimately make the decision to allow Universal to proceed.

Craig Austin – Environment Director, Bedford Borough Council, John McReynolds, Vice President, External Affairs, Laura Church, Chief Executive, Bedford Borough Council, Paige Thompson, President, New Ventures at Universal Destinations and Experiences, Mayor Tom Wootton, in the row behind Councillor Spieth, Universal, Environment Director, Councillor Ware. Image: Owen Billcliffe/

Bedford Borough Mayor Tom Wootton said: “This project will be a huge opportunity to raise the profile of Bedford Borough, create jobs and boost tourism. All of this will benefit local businesses and create more opportunities for private sector investment.

“The numbers today demonstrate the transformational benefits.

While we work closely with Universal and they make decisions on the project, there is strong support across the borough as both borough residents and businesses recognize the transformative benefits this can have, as highlighted in Universals' recent survey.

Page Thompson, President of New Ventures of Universal Destinations & Experiences, said: Universal's world-class theme parks and resorts will generate billions of dollars in economic benefits for the UK by creating thousands of high-quality jobs and attracting millions of new jobs. It has the potential to do so. Visitors to the country.

Mr Thompson told Sky News: “Our first phase plan consists of a theme park, a 500-room hotel, and a dining area where people can come without a theme park ticket.

“Our intention is for this park to be open 24/7 like all other major theme parks.

“We have a series of special events like Halloween Horror Nights and Carnival parties… which helps us keep people interested during this time.”

Local resident and theme park enthusiast James Block told the Bedford Independent: “It’s great to get monthly updates from Universal and based on these numbers it will do wonders for the region.

“I am very excited to hear that the full plan will be submitted soon.”

Last December, the Bedford Independent confirmed in a global exclusive that Universal was planning a theme park in the Bedford Borough area.

READ: BREAKING NEWS: Universal Studios Confirms It's Planning A Theme Park In Bedford Borough




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