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Britain and Ireland's Stars of Tomorrow 2024 revealed on screen | News

Britain and Ireland's Stars of Tomorrow 2024 revealed on screen |  News


Screen International has revealed the 2024 line-up for Stars of Tomorrow, highlighting the UK and Ireland's most talented up-and-coming actors and filmmakers.

Now in its 21st year, the annual talent showcase has had an unrivalled track record in discovering emerging British and Irish talent both in front of and behind the camera since it launched in 2004.

This year's cohort includes Bridgerton star Florence Hunt, Tosin Cole, who appears in Doctor Who and Rapman's upcoming Supacell, and Hoard's It includes lead Saura LightfootLeon, baby reindeer creator Richard Gadd and Alison Oliver, who played a key role in Saltburn.

Scroll down to see the full list of 2024 stars.

The selection was overseen by Screens' editor-in-chief, reviews and new talent, Fionnuala Halligan. Halligan said: “Stars of Tomorrow will come of age in 2024, giving us 21 years to identify creative talent with a bright future.” The business has changed a lot in that time, and while our focus remains independent film, it's also clear that a lot of the young talent here is working across film and HETV with a next-level ease that previous Stars of Tomorrow would have envied. The publicity game is radically different and there are no prizes for spotting a UK star who has become an international celebrity between the application process in February and now.

But talent is talent everywhere, and the UK remains as creative a hotspot as ever. I look forward to watching the remaining stars of tomorrow rise with gratitude and appreciation for the record numbers who applied but were unable to participate this year.

Selections from past years have included Heartstopper star Kit Connor, How To Have Sex lead Mia McKenna-Bruce, Rye Lane co-lead David Jonsson and Marisa Abela, who won acclaim for her role as Amy Winehouse in Back To Black.

Previous Tomorrow alumni include Benedict Cumberbatch and Andrea Arnold (2004), David Oyelowo and Ruth Negga (2005), Riz Ahmed and Andrea Riseborough (2006), Dev Patel, Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Andrew Haigh (2008), Daniel Kaluuya (2009), John Boyega (2011), Jack Lowden and Phoebe Waller-Bridge (2014), Florence Pugh and Jodie Comer (2016), Michaela Coel and Jessie Buckley (2017), Niamh Algar (2018), Ncuti Gawa, Paul Mescal and Emma Corrin (2020), Daryl McCormack (2021) and Rosie McEwen (2022).

Throughout the year, the UK and Ireland Stars of Tomorrow will be celebrated with a special event in London on the 4th of July. Head over to the Screens YouTube page to see interviews with some of this year's stars.

Click on the name below to view each star's profile.

Actor Actor/Filmmaker Filmmaker

Profiles by Nicholas Barber, Ellie Calnan, Sarah Cooper, Ben Dalton, Charles Gant, Fionnuala Halligan, Dan Jolin, Mark Salisbury, Neil Smith, Mona Tabbara, Amon Warmann

Watch: Introducing Screen 2024 Stars of Tomorrow




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