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U.S., Mexican officials highlight cooperation in binational disaster exercise

U.S., Mexican officials highlight cooperation in binational disaster exercise


Soldiers from both countries demonstrate their skills during helicopter rescue exercises at Juarez soccer stadium

JUAREZ, Mexico (Border Report) The nightmare scenario just a few hundred yards from the border wall was just a simulation. The rapid response from Mexico and the United States was not.

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck as thousands of fans cheered for their team in a packed Juarez soccer stadium. Metal beams and planks littered the stands. The victims were under the rubble.

As soon as the Mexican government called for help, the American Blackhawks crossed the border and flew over the Benito Juarez Olympic Stadium.

A soldier sent a rope 75 feet up and Mexican first responders attached it to a collapse victim. The rescuers waved their arms and the helicopter crew picked up the victim. Crews then transported the individual in critical condition to a mobile field hospital at a military base in southern Juarez.

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A few minutes later, a Mexican army helicopter arrived at the stadium. His rescue team removed a second victim and a stretcher, with a soldier preventing the stretcher from spinning as it was raised.

Tuesday's exercise was part of Fuerzas Amigas 2024, a joint U.S.-Mexico military exercise aimed at maximizing resources in the event of a major natural disaster on either side of the border.

The river divides us, but the interaction between our two communities is extremely fraternal. People on both sides share a family bond, so it is very important that our authorities in Mexico and the United States work in coordination to protect them, said Sergio Rodriguez, Juarez civil protection director.

Mexican soldiers stand guard during the “Fuerzas Amigas 2024” military exercise at the Benito Juarez Olympic Stadium in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico, June 25, 2024. (Photo by HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

The exercise brought together 500 American and Mexican troops in Juarez. They are participating in different disaster scenarios until Friday. Training includes responding to chemical spills, train derailments, airport terminal collapses and other contingencies.

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The presence of American troops in Mexico has always been a sensitive subject south of the Rio Grande. Textbooks remind students how Mexico lost half its territory to the Americans in the war of 1846-48. The story of U.S. General John Blackjack Pershing pursuing Pancho Villa after the Mexican revolutionary general attacked Columbus, New Mexico, is part of Mexican-American lore.

But Gen. Ruben Zamudio, commander of the Mexican Army's 5th Military Region, and Brig. Gen. Tomika Seaberry, commanding general of the 4th Sustainment Command based in San Antonio, Texas, emphasized the friendly and cooperative nature of this week's training in Juarez.

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I want to thank the American delegation for working with us. The main goal is to improve our procedures, Zamudio said Tuesday. Our teams work together perfectly. Year after year we will continue to improve.

Fuerzas Amigas has been taking place on both sides of the border since at least 2022. That's the year troops from both countries met at a military base in Reynosa, Mexico. In 2023, binational exercises took place at Camp Pendleton, California.

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Rodriguez said natural or man-made disasters can quickly overwhelm local authorities.

“We need our armed forces to be properly prepared,” Rodriguez said. “Their assistance can be invaluable when civil authorities are under strain. »




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