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NASA Selects US International Space Station Deorbit Vehicle

NASA Selects US International Space Station Deorbit Vehicle


NASA promotes continued scientific, educational, and technological developments in low Earth orbit for the benefit of humanity, while also supporting deep space exploration on the Moon and Mars. As the agency moves toward commercial space destinations closer to home, it is crucial to prepare for the safe and responsible deorbit of the International Space Station in a controlled manner after the end of its operational life in 2030.

NASA announced that SpaceX had been selected to develop and deliver the American deorbit vehicle which will deorbit the space station and avoid any risk to populated areas.

The selection of a U.S. deorbit vehicle for the International Space Station will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition to low Earth orbit upon conclusion of station operations. The move also supports NASA's plans for future commercial destinations and enables continued use of near-Earth space, said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for the Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The orbiting laboratory remains a model for science, exploration and partnerships in space for the benefit of all.

While the company will develop the deorbit spacecraft, NASA will take responsibility for it after development and operate it throughout its mission. Just like the space station, it is expected to destructively disintegrate as part of the process of reentry into the atmosphere.

Since 1998, five space agencies, CSA (Canadian Space Agency), ESA (European Space Agency), JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) and the State Space Corporation Roscosmos, operate the International Space Station. each agency being responsible for the management and control of the equipment it provides. The station was designed to be interdependent and relies on contributions from the entire partnership to function. The United States, Japan, Canada and ESA participating countries have committed to operating the station until 2030. Russia has committed to continuing station operations until at least 2028. The safe deorbiting of the International Space Station is the responsibility of all five agencies.

The single contract has a total potential value of $843 million. The American vehicle launch service Deorbit will be the subject of a future purchase.

In its 24th year of continuous crewed operations, the space station is a unique scientific platform where crew members conduct experiments in multiple research disciplines, including Earth and space sciences, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and technology demonstrations not possible on Earth. Crews living aboard the station are supported by thousands of ground researchers who have conducted more than 3,300 experiments in microgravity. The station is a cornerstone of space commerce, from commercial crew and cargo partnerships to commercial and national laboratory research, and lessons learned aboard the International Space Station are helping to pass the torch to future commercial stations.

Learn more about space station operations at:


Josh FinchHeadquarters, [email protected]

Sandra JonesJohnson Space Center, [email protected]




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