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Alex Morgan will not participate in the Paris Olympics and is not on the US women's soccer team

Alex Morgan will not participate in the Paris Olympics and is not on the US women's soccer team


Alex Morgan, one of the most decorated players in American women's soccer history, has been cut from the U.S. roster heading to the Olympics in France, the team announced Wednesday.

Morgan was the most notable absence of the 18 players named to first-year coach Emma Hayes' team, which seeks to return the Americans to their usual elite levels.

The USWNT crashed out of last year's World Cup in the round of 16 and managed only a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics.

Morgan started all four of America's matches at the 2023 World Cup, but did not score and recorded one assist.

If this is the end of Morgan's international career, she will leave with two World Cup titles under her belt and Olympic gold and bronze medals to her name.

“Today I am disappointed not to have the opportunity to represent our country on the Olympic stage,” Morgan said in a statement published on X. “This will always be a tournament close to my heart and I am extremely proud every time I participate on the ridge.

Making the Olympic roster is a huge privilege and honor and there's no denying that it was an extremely competitive process between the players and there were some tough choices, especially considering how well everyone has worked hard over the past 10 months, Hayes said in a statement. statement.

Choosing a squad of 18 players plus substitutes involved a lot of considerations, but I'm excited about the group we selected. »

Morgan scored one of the most famous goals in American soccer history, a 123rd-minute header in the 2012 Olympic semifinals at Old Trafford, giving the United States a 4–3 victory over the Canada.

This goal pushed America to advance to the gold medal game a few days later, which the United States won 2–1 against Japan.

Morgan vowed Wednesday to support her now former teammates hard at home.

In less than a month, I look forward to supporting this team and cheering them on alongside the rest of our country,” she said.

The rest of the list included:

Goalkeepers Alyssa Naeher and Casey Murphy. Defenders Tierna Davidson, Emily Fox, Naomi Girma, Casey Krueger, Jenna Nighswonger and Emily Sonnett. Midfielder Korbin Albert, Sam Coffey, Lindsey Horan, Rose Lavelle and Catarina Macario. Forwards Crystal Dunn, Trinity Rodman, Jaedyn Shaw, Sophia Smith and Mallory Swanson.

Goalkeeper Jane Campbell, midfielders Hal Hershfelt and Croix Bethune and forward Lynn Williams were all named as substitutes.

The team has two exhibition games remaining to prepare for the Olympics, against Mexico on July 13 in Harrison, New Jersey, and Costa Rica on July 16 in Washington, D.C.

The Americans' Olympic opener is July 25 against Zambia in Nice, France.

Hayes' team is trying to avoid becoming the first U.S. women's soccer team to appear in three consecutive Olympics or World Cups without winning the top prize.




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