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Eight men arrested, linked to ISIS, suspected of planning potential terrorist attack in the United States, sources said

Eight men arrested, linked to ISIS, suspected of planning potential terrorist attack in the United States, sources said


Washington — Federal agents have arrested eight men from Tajikistan — a Central Asian country that borders Afghanistan — because they fear the men may have been planning a possible terrorist attack on U.S. soil, multiple sources familiar with the investigation told CBS News.

The eight men residing in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia were arrested earlier this month and charged with violating U.S. civil immigration law by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They remain in ICE custody and face deportation proceedings, according to two of the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation.

Multiple sources told CBS News there was no evidence to suggest a specific targeted attack was being planned, and U.S. officials said there was no imminent threat to the country.

The individuals – who sources say have ties to ISIS – crossed the southwest US border between 2023 and 2024, but at the time immigration officials did not have no information linking them to the terrorist group. The eight migrants were arrested by ICE when they entered the United States without proper documentation and were later released into the United States with an immigration court summons, according to a senior Department of Justice official. Homeland Security.

According to two sources familiar with the investigation, federal law enforcement agencies obtained information indicating that the men were in the United States and likely had ties to ISIS. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force has opened an investigation.

Investigators began monitoring their communications and tracking their activities on social media such as chat rooms and encrypted sites, according to one of the sources.

The FBI discovered the individuals were in contact with bad actors with potential ties to ISIS and investigators obtained a court-authorized FISA arrest warrant, two of the sources told CBS News. Investigators also monitored the men.

FBI agents aimed to uncover a broader terrorist network, two senior administration officials said, and intelligence collected by the FBI prompted the Bureau to alert the Department of Homeland Security. This prompted ICE to pick up the men over the weekend of June 8 in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.

Officials feared that these individuals may have been planning a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the sources told CBS News.

The investigation is ongoing and, at this stage, the men have not been charged with terrorism.

The Justice Department declined to comment. The FBI declined to provide further details on a June 11 statement in which the bureau and the Department of Homeland Security jointly said the individuals were being detained by ICE pending deportation proceedings.

“As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the United States finds itself in a heightened threat environment,” the statement continued. “The FBI and DHS will continue to work around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate and thwart potential threats to national security.”

Asked Wednesday about the arrests, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reiterated that the eight men “are, in fact, in custody.”

“We did not have any derogatory information during our first meeting,” he added. “Concerns were subsequently raised, and we used our law enforcement to apprehend and arrest them, and they are currently in deportation proceedings as we speak.”

Two sources told CBS News that all eight were facing deportation proceedings, but that process could be complicated by possible asylum claims — particularly if the men were persecuted or threatened if returned at their home.

In a recent change in ICE policy, the agency is now detaining men from Tajikistan and other Central Asian countries while awaiting deportation proceedings or an immigration hearing.

More from CBS News

Pat Milton




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