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Toys R Us AI-Generated Ad Controversy Explained

Toys R Us AI-Generated Ad Controversy Explained


AI-generated Toys “R’ Us ad

Toys “R' Us/OpenAI

Toys R Us sparked an online backlash after releasing an ad created with OpenAI's new video generation tool, Sora.

Although Sora has yet to be released to the public, AI enthusiasts have been busy experimenting with available video generators such as Luma Labs Dream Machine, animating iconic memes into surreal clips.

The technology has proven highly controversial, with many critics deriding the bizarre results of generative AI.

What's going on in the AI-generated Toys R Us ad?

The AI-generated Toys R Us ad shows company founder Charles Lazarus being inspired to create the brand after living a vivid dream.

AI enthusiasts were excited to see AI used for commercial purposes, but critics found the images repugnant.

The ad highlights the capabilities of AI-generated video, as well as the technology's inherent weaknesses.

For example, the AI ​​struggles to generate consistent character models; young Charles changes shape throughout the video; one commenter compared the boy to a character from a strange dream.

It should be noted that these are the images that were chosen for the final cut, meaning that these variants of Charles are, presumably, the best that the AI ​​could generate to the public and were not shown on release rejected by Sora.

AI-generated images are full of errors

Since there is no human intervention behind AI-generated work, one of the most interesting ways to examine an AI-generated piece is to spot machine evidence.

In this ad, there are lots of clues, half-bikes blending into each other, wobbly windows, and the dead stare of a man generated by AI.

Charles suddenly turns his head, which seems very unnatural, and the filled toy shelves in his dream feature many distorted toys, as if the boy's subconscious is having trouble remembering what the toys actually look like.

Generative AI is coming under increased scrutiny as the thirsty, energy-intensive technology strains the power grid and threatens to devalue human creative expression.

At this point, proponents of AI-generated video need to prove that the technology is worth the cost, and so far the result has been unintentionally destabilizing.

Using AI to automate creative expression is seen as cheap, cynical, and disrespectful to artists who have spent their lives perfecting their craft, only to have their work used as training data for AI, without permission.


Another wrote: We all cheered when Toys R Us came back from near death, but now we all want to send it straight to hell. What a slap in the face for the entire toy industry. And beyond that, to the WHOLE idea of ​​imaginative play. A terrible insult. Shame on everyone involved.

In a press release, Kim Miller Olko, director of global marketing for Toys R Us and president of Toys R Us Studios, said the ad was an innovation:

Charles Lazarus was a visionary ahead of his time and we wanted to honor his legacy with a spot using the most cutting-edge technology available, Olko said. Our brand embraces the innovation and emotional appeal of Toys R Us to connect with consumers in unexpected ways. Our goal is to capture that nostalgic feeling and convey it in a unique way to Toys R Us kids of all ages.

Why is generative AI used to target children?

Many commenters have expressed despair that generative AI is being used to sell products to children, as if young minds don't deserve to appreciate art created by human hands.

The negative reaction to AI-generated advertising was accompanied by Amazon's announcement of a new Winnie-the-Pooh series created using AI for production efficiency.

A promotional image for the series contains a path leading nowhere, as well as a misshapen creature in the background, indicating that the image was generated by AI and has not been altered.

The series, which benefits from Disney losing exclusive copyright to the character, has been criticized for using AI to cut costs. Disney, for all its faults, has done a remarkable job adapting the AA Milnes books; Pooh and His Friends were voiced and brought to life by artists who clearly cared about their craft.

Unfortunately, the use of generative AI to write and illustrate children's books has become increasingly common; AI was even used to promote the infamous Glasgow Willy Wonka fiasco.

The automation of art leads to a wave of spam flooding the Internet and the proliferation of inconsiderate comments aimed at children; Is it any wonder that the reaction is growing?

ForbesFacebook's AI-generated 'Shrimp Jesus', explained by Dani Di Placido




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