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FDA warns major U.S. bakeries not to claim foods contain allergens when they don'tExBulletin

FDA warns major U.S. bakeries not to claim foods contain allergens when they don'tExBulletin


Bimbo bread is displayed on a shelf at a market in Anaheim, California, in 2003. On Tuesday, U.S. federal food safety regulators warned Bimbo Bakeries USA – which includes brands such as Sara Lee, Oroweat, Thomas', Entenmann's and Ball Park. and rolls – to stop using labels indicating that its products contain potentially dangerous allergens when this is not the case. Damian Dovarganes/AP/AP .

Switch caption Damian Dovarganes/AP/AP

Federal food safety regulators said Tuesday they have warned a major U.S. bakery to stop using labels that say its products contain potentially dangerous allergens when they do not.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspectors found that Bimbo Bakeries USA, which includes brands such as Sara Lee, Oroweat, Thomas', Entenmann's and Ball Park, listed ingredients such as sesame or nuts on labels, even when they were not included in the food. .

Under FDA regulations, these products are mislabeled,” FDA officials said in a warning letter sent to officials at the company’s Horsham, Pa., headquarters earlier this month.

Food labels must be truthful and not misleading, officials said. The warning follows inspections late last year at Bimbo factories in Phoenix, Arizona, and Topeka, Kansas, which make Sara Lee and Brownberry breads.

Additionally, FDA officials have indicated that allergen labeling is not a substitute for preventing cross-contamination in factories.

Advocates with the nonprofit group FARE, Food Allergy Research & Education, said such labeling does a disservice to the estimated 33 million people with food allergies in the United States. These consumers need to be constantly aware of foods that can cause life-threatening allergic reactions, said Sung Poblete, general director of FARE.

Our community relies on accurate product labeling for its health and safety, Poblete said in an email. These discoveries about Bimbo Bakeries products undermine their confidence and further limit their choices.

Bimbo, a Mexico City-based food giant, bills its U.S. operations as the country's largest commercial baking company. In an email, company officials said they take their role in protecting allergen-sensitive consumers very seriously and are in correspondence with the FDA to resolve the issue.

Concerns about labels at Bimbo and other companies followed a law that took effect in 2022, which added sesame to the list of major allergens that must appear on packaging.

Because it can be difficult and expensive to keep sesame from one part of a baking plant away from another, some companies have begun adding small amounts of sesame to products that did not previously contain this ingredient to avoid liability and cost. FDA officials said this violated the spirit, but not the letter, of federal regulations.

Some companies, including Bimbo, have started listing allergens such as sesame on labels as a precaution against cross-contamination.

FDA officials acknowledged Tuesday that statements that a product may contain certain allergens can be considered truthful and not misleading. Bimbo officials have until July 8 to identify steps taken to remedy the problem or explain why the labeling does not violate FDA standards.




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