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The federal government identifies 400 migrants smuggled into the United States by an ISIS-affiliated network, without knowing the whereabouts of 50 others.

The federal government identifies 400 migrants smuggled into the United States by an ISIS-affiliated network, without knowing the whereabouts of 50 others.


The Department of Homeland Security has identified more than 400 migrants who were brought to the United States from Central Asia and other locations by a human trafficking ring affiliated with ISIS — and it's unclear where there are more than 50 of them, according to a disturbing report.

More than 150 migrants have been arrested, but the whereabouts of about 50 others remain unknown, three U.S. officials told NBC News, adding that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is seeking to arrest those involved in immigration charges.

Migrants from around the world continue to flood through the southern border of the United States, as was the case on June 10, 2024. James Breeden for the New York Post An ICE agent monitors hundreds of asylum seekers at New York. Getty Images

In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential link to ISIS due to the fact that some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to be very careful, a senior Biden administration official told the outlet, and out of an abundance of caution, make sure that we exercised our authority in the broadest and most appropriate way to mitigate risks due to this potential established link. .

The official noted that since ICE began arresting migrants brought to the United States by the smuggling group several months ago, no information links them to threats against the United States.

Many of the more than 400 migrants involved crossed the southern border and were released into the country by Customs and Border Protection because they were not on the government's terrorism watch list, officials said. three anonymous officials.

Although the agency did not have concerning information at the time the migrants entered the country, recent terrorist attacks in Russia have sparked increased concern about ISIS and its ISIS-K offshoot .

As a result, the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring migrants coming from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Russia – all places where ISIS-K has been observed.

Texas National Guard soldiers install a concertina wire-covered border fence near the Rio Grande River. Getty Images

One of those hotbeds, Tajikistan, welcomed more than 1,500 migrants to the United States between October 2020 and May 2024, according to leaked border data obtained by The Post.

It is unclear how many Tajik migrants have been released into the United States, but the vast majority of migrants arrested at the border are seeking asylum and are allowed to remain while awaiting a court hearing.

ISIS-K is responsible for a massive attack on a concert hall in Moscow carried out by citizens of Tajikistan that killed 145 people and injured hundreds more on March 22.

The fact that the man's whereabouts are unknown is clearly alarming, former FBI counterterrorism chief Christopher OLeary told NBC.

Customs and Border Patrol agents load the migrants into a vehicle. AFP via Getty Images

According to O'Leary, ICE is likely seeking to arrest these people even if there is no evidence they are planning a terrorist attack.

I believe that [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals, and the use of immigration charges is not uncommon, OLeary said. They are violating this law. And if you need to take someone off the street, this is a good approach to do it.

Federal law enforcement is “not panicking” about this group of people, but they have been identified as “areas of concern” and are prioritizing their arrests with an abundance of caution, two of the officials noted.

Some of the 150 migrants arrested have already been expelled from the country, the officials added.

While some of those detained or deported have been charged with immigration violations, none have been charged with terrorism-related offenses.

This is a milestone event, please refresh for updates.




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