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US women's soccer team named for Paris 2024 Olympics marks new era

US women's soccer team named for Paris 2024 Olympics marks new era


The U.S. women's soccer roster for the Paris Olympics was named Wednesday, marking a new era for the program under new head coach Emma Hayes.

The team:

Goalkeepers: Casey Murphy, Alyssa Naeher Defenders: Tierna Davidson, Emily Fox, Naomi Girma, Casey Krueger, Jenna Nighswonger, Emily Sonnett Midfielder: Korbin Albert, Sam Coffey, Lindsey Horan, Rose Lavelle, Catarina Macario Forwards: Crystal Dunn, Trinity Rodman , Jaedyn Shaw, Sophia Smith, Mallory Swanson

The traveling substitutes are goalkeeper Jane Campbell, midfielders Hal Hershfelt and Croix Bethune and forward Lynn Williams.

TEAM USA: Complete list of Olympic team athletes in all sports

The average age of the squad is 26.8 years, four years younger than the Tokyo Olympic team.

One of the most important things for me since I got this job was that I wanted to provide opportunities for less experienced players, said Hayes, who was named head coach in November and took over in May after his club season at the helm of Chelsea. There was a huge gap between high level experience and the rest and it really needs to be talked about. The number of players who didn't play more than 30 caps was really noticeable to me. The last eight months have therefore been dedicated to giving experiments to bridge this gap.

The United States won four of the first five Olympic women's soccer titles between 1996 and 2012. The Americans lost in the quarterfinals in Rio in 2016 and won bronze in Tokyo three years ago.

The United States then lost in the round of 16 at last summer's World Cup after winning the previous two World Cups. Combining the Tokyo Olympics and the 2023 World Cup, the team has consecutively participated in major tournaments without reaching the final for the first time.

There's no denying that the history of this program has been a huge success, but the reality is that it's going to take a lot of work for us to reach that highest level again, Hayes said.

The team is led by Horan, who was the main captain last year, and Girma, who played every minute of the 2023 World Cup.

Dunn also started all four matches at the World Cup and has the versatility to play in attack or defense.

Naeher, 36, is on track to become the oldest American goalkeeper to compete in the Olympics. Hope Solo was 35 years old in 2016.

Naeher played in Tokyo's Olympic quarterfinal victory over the Netherlands. She saved a penalty in the 81st minute in a 2-2 match, then stopped two of the Dutch's four shots in a shootout.

With striker Alex Morgan not selected, the list does not include any players from the last Olympic champion team in 2012. Carli Lloyd and Megan Rapinoe were among the mainstays who have retired since the Tokyo Games.

The Olympic squad has 18 players compared to 23 for the World Cup.

First of all, I want to talk about what an incredible player and human Alex Morgan has been,” Hayes said. I only had one opportunity to work with her during the last camp. I was able to see not only his qualities, but also his professionalism. His track record speaks for itself.

Secondly, it's not easy to make a decision with only 16 outfield players and two goalkeepers on a roster of 18. So it was a tough decision, of course, especially considering the history and record of Alex with this team, but I felt that I wanted to go in another direction and I selected other players.

The United States will open the Paris Olympic tournament against Zambia in Nice on July 25, a day before the opening ceremony. He completes the group match against Germany (July 28) and Australia (July 31).

The top two teams from each of the three groups of four teams advance to the quarter-finals, along with the two highest-ranked third-place teams.

The U.S. men's soccer team qualified for the Olympics for the first time since 2008. The U.S. men's roster for Paris, which will consist primarily of players under the age of 23, has not yet been named.

With the 2024 Paris Olympics approaching, now is the perfect time to prepare for the men's and women's football tournaments by looking back at the greatest moments in history.




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