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General election live: Starmer says Labor will continue to fight Farage in Clacton amid reform polls.

General election live: Starmer says Labor will continue to fight Farage in Clacton amid reform polls.


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Sir Keir Starmer insisted Labor had not scaled back its campaign in Clacton despite reports that activists had been sent elsewhere.

The party has reportedly sent its candidate for the Essex seaside constituency to campaign in the West Midlands, suggesting Labor has conceded defeat.

This comes after Labor candidate Jovan Owusu-Nepaul went viral on social media and was dubbed the best-dressed candidate in living memory.

Sir Keir said: We are fighting everywhere, including in Clacton, and deploying resources across the country.

That's right. We want to fight the Tories and Reformers wherever they are. We will not back down from Clacton, and we will not back down from anywhere in the country.

He denied that activists had been expelled from Clacton.

Sir Keir said: “We've got a great candidate, he's actually working for me. He's fantastic, so I'm very supportive of him and his campaign. He's done an incredible job of being a positive candidate in a difficult environment in Clacton. “We are doing it,” he added.

His comments come as a new Find Out Now and Electoral Calculus poll shows Reform UK is expected to win 18 seats in the upcoming general election.

Key PointsView Latest Updates 1719495871Sunak Challenges Increased Use of Food Banks

Rishi Sunak was challenged by a worker at a pottery factory in Derbyshire who said conditions had gotten infinitely worse since the Conservatives came to power in 2010.

Frances Cutmore, a potter at Denby Pottery, asked the Prime Minister why he thought we should vote for a fourth Tory term when the past 14 years had not left a good impression on our country with access to food banks. Then it skyrocketed.

The 46-year-old from Belper said this was unacceptable.

Mr Sunak responded: I don't want anyone having to use a food bank. Of course I don't. But I am also very grateful to all the people who are there for those in need by volunteering and supporting them.

He added: There is a lot of frustration that you and others will have about certain things from the past.

But this election is about the future, Mr Sunak said. And if you care about your family's financial security, that's exactly what I'll provide. Because no one will be helped by higher taxes.

Javed Ahmed27 Jun 2024 14:44

1719494444BBC Debate: Readers call Starmer statesmanlike and Sunak obnoxious

Independent readers are divided following another televised head-to-head showdown between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

We asked you for your thoughts after the last clash of party leaders on the BBC, revealing mixed reactions from the community. Some viewers noted an improvement in the way Sir Keir challenged Mr Sunak compared to the first debate, adding: Starmer seems to be becoming more and more statesman-like as time goes on.

But others thought Sir Keir was too polite to deliver such a shocking blow. One reader commented: Starmer is articulate but lacks the bruising instincts of real old Labor politicians.

Salma OuaguiraJune 27, 2024 14:20

1719493988Picture: Sunak dips a teapot into a vat of pottery glaze with employee Georgia Plinston during a visit to Denby Pottery Factory (Joe Giddens/PA Wire)

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 14:13

1719493844 Exclusive: With just a week to go until polls, the Tory blame game has already begun.

The blame game has already begun within the Conservative Party as the party prepares to face the most disastrous defeat in its history in just one week, political editor David Maddox reports.

Fingers have been pointed by various forces behind the scenes for months before the election, but now high-ranking figures are breaking ranks to deliver a verdict even before most voters have cast their ballots.

The first to fall into the trap was former cabinet minister Nadine Dorries, who told the Independent she blamed Michael Gove for the malaise that began over the past 14 years and was demanding he be prevented from winning a Lords seat. .

You can read the exclusive article from The Independents below.

Salma OuaguiraJune 27, 2024 14:10

1719493705Labour continues to fight Farage in Clacton

Labor insisted its candidate Claxon Jovan Owusu-Nepaul was still fighting against Nigel Farage.

This is because the party reportedly dropped out of the race and did not help Mr Owusu-Nepal because of how much attention he received on social media.

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 14:08

Sunak defends Don't Surrender attack poster

Rishi Sunak has defended Tory attack posters showing pictures of men, women and children holding hands in the air in surrender.

The ad doubles down on the Prime Minister's latest line of attack: Don't hand your family's future to Labor.

Challenged over the controversial image, Mr Sunak told broadcasters in Derbyshire: “This is a hugely important election and there are important choices for people and I don’t want people to be sleepwalking.

I believe a Labor government would do great harm to our country.

I know that the people are dissatisfied with me and our party, but this election is not a by-election. This is a choice about our future, and one that will have serious consequences for people's financial security.

Salma OuaguiraJune 27, 2024 14:00

Sunak refused to say whether he had spoken to Craig Williams about the date of the general election.

Rishi Sunak has repeatedly refused to say whether he has spoken to his former parliamentary aide Craig Williams about the election date.

The Prime Minister said this in an interview with a broadcaster. I am clear about this. I am very upset to learn of these claims.

As we do not have access to gambling commission details, we have launched an independent investigation.

You will be aware that an independent investigation is ongoing but it would not be right for me to comment further on this.

The Prime Minister was told that he could not be biased against the inquiry and that he could absolutely answer whether or not he had told the parliamentary candidate the date, to which the Prime Minister responded: No, that is absolutely not okay when there is an independent investigation underway. Damaged in some way.

Mr Sunak was told he could not compromise the inquiry by clarifying whether he had told Mr Williams the election date, to which he responded: They are confidential and are important to keep.

Salma WagwiraJune 27, 2024 13:50

1719492044Starmer was very pleased with the BBC's final leaders' debate.

Sir Keir Starmer said he was very pleased with the final head-to-head debate with Rishi Sunak.

The Labor leader told reporters in Staffordshire: I don't think it was just last night that I was criticized. I have been criticized every day. I was leader of the Labor Party. It's part of what we do.

There will always be criticism, there will always be challenges, there will always be alternative views. And that's a good thing. Because whether it was last night's debate or politics in general, it should be a kind of melting pot of challenges and ideas.

(Stefan Russo/PA Wire)

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 13:40

1719491864Starmer pledges to start discussions with junior doctors from day one'

Sir Keir Starmer has said he would start discussions with junior doctors on Labor's first day in office if he is elected on July 4.

The Labor leader told reporters during a visit to Staffordshire: I do not want these strikes to continue.

He added: This is a problem that the government has failed to deal with and if elected to government we will have to address it. What we need to do is start the discussion from day one.

Junior doctors picket outside Guys and St Thomas Hospital in London (EPA)

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 13:37

1719491564Sunnack challenges Conservative party's past performance

Rishi Sunak was challenged by a worker at a pottery factory in Derbyshire who said conditions had gotten infinitely worse since the Conservatives came to power in 2010.

The Prime Minister was asked why he thought we should vote for a Tory government for another four years when the last 14 years had not left a positive impression on our country, with food bank use soaring since 2010.

That is unacceptable, the questioner said.

Mr Sunak responded: I want to make sure no one has to use a food bank. Of course I don't. But I'm also very grateful to everyone who volunteers and supports them and is there for those in need.

He added: “Something in the past may have caused you and others a lot of frustration.

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 13:32




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