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Sunak, Starmer clash in final TV debate before UK general election | Election News

Sunak, Starmer clash in final TV debate before UK general election | Election News


The event, held in Nottingham city centre, covered a range of issues from health to immigration, and opinion polls afterwards showed a tie.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunnack and Labor leader Keir Starmer faced off in the final TV debate before the British general election. The two men squared off on issues ranging from health to immigration to ethics, trying to make their opinions heard amid noisy protests outside.

The debate was held in the central city of Nottingham and represented Sunak's last big chance to give the right-wing Conservatives, who are trailing Labor by about 20 points, a fighting chance at the July 4 polls.

He accused Starmer of fooling people about Labor's plans to cut immigration, while Starmer said Sunak, one of the country's richest men, was out of touch and too rich to understand the concerns of most ordinary Britons. criticized.

Sunak has repeatedly urged voters not to bow to Labor on everything from borders to taxes, and Starmer sees the election as an opportunity to turn the page on 14 years of Conservative government dominated by austerity, Brexit and party infighting. He emphasized.

The debate, broadcast by the BBC with senior journalist Mishal Husain as moderator, was tied on 50% for both sides, according to a YouGov poll.

As the event began at Nottingham Trent University, unintelligible shouts could be heard from pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside.

Husain acknowledged the distraction and noted that protests were part of British democracy.

Neither Starmer nor Sunak commented on the protests, which became increasingly frequent towards the latter part of the debate.

The pair also clashed over the election date gambling scandal, which entangled several senior Conservative politicians and a Labor candidate who had bet on him.

Starmer has pledged to reorganise politics and make it a public service, and has accused Sunnack of showing a lack of leadership amid the controversy.

Sunak, who promised to restore integrity, professionalism and accountability when he was appointed Conservative leader and chancellor in 2022, said he was outraged to learn of the allegations.

I made it clear that anyone who breaks the rules will not only face the full consequences of the law, but will also be expelled from the Conservative Party, he added.

But in a sign of growing public disdain for politicians, one audience member asked a question. Are you two really the best people we have? It received great applause.

The two leaders have met in several debates and open sessions with voters, increasingly focusing on who is better suited to lead the country.

Sunak's campaign has suffered since he announced the election outside 10 Downing Street in heavy rain last May.

Since then he has campaigned uninterestingly, and his decision earlier this month to desert other leaders and boycott D-Day commemorations in northern France sparked controversy.

The Conservative Party has been fighting to win public trust since it emerged that then-prime minister Boris Johnson and other senior officials had been partying in Downing Street in defiance of coronavirus lockdown rules.

Labor's position has worsened since Sunnack's predecessor, Liz Truss, delivered unfunded tax cuts in October 2022 that sent interest rates soaring and the pound plummeting, with its lead in opinion polls rising sharply.

The Conservatives are also under pressure from the far-right Reform UK Party, which has seen its support soar since populist Nigel Farage came to power. Polls suggest Farage, who has failed to win parliament seven times, will beat the incumbent Conservative in the east coast constituency of Clacton.

British voters elect 650 members of the House of Commons, and the leader of the party that secures a majority of seats, either alone or in a coalition, becomes prime minister.




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