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Gallant's U.S. trip heightens potential challenge to Israel's Netanyahu | Israeli-Palestinian Conflict News

Gallant's U.S. trip heightens potential challenge to Israel's Netanyahu | Israeli-Palestinian Conflict News



The visit by Israeli defense ministers comes a month before Netanyahu's and underscores his position as an alternative to the prime minister.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has made it his mission in recent days to shore up bipartisan support for Israel in the United States, ahead of what could potentially be an all-out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Gallant set the stage before he left for the United States on Saturday, emphasizing that ties between the two countries were perhaps more important than ever. After meetings with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin and other senior officials, Gallant’s message was consistent: The United States and Israel are strong allies and must be on the same side in the face of the perceived threat from Iran and its backers in the region.

But the Israeli and American governments do not quite agree on all points at the moment.

Many observers believe that one of the most important items on Gallant's agenda was a frozen shipment of 2,000-pound (907 kg) and 500-pound (227 kg) heavy bombs. The Biden administration suspended the shipment in May, apparently to protest the potential use of the bombs in Gaza, where Israelis have killed more than 37,500 people, with continued U.S. support.

The frozen shipment served as a riposte to critics of the U.S. government who say President Joe Biden continues to support what critics call genocide in Gaza. But in reality, the United States has refused to extend this pause to other military deliveries. The administration even responded to comments by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he claimed more arms shipments had been held up by pointing out that only one shipment had been stopped.

It is unclear whether Gallant succeeded in getting the arms shipment to Israel. The officials he met with included pro-Israel messages in their subsequent statements. There was talk of the strong relationship between Israel and the United States, the importance of Israel’s security and the need to defeat the Palestinian group Hamas. But, it is notable, there was no overt attempt to walk back the clearly signaled anti-Netanyahu messages of recent months, including persistent leaks that Biden was unhappy with Netanyahu. The US president himself was caught on microphone saying that he had told Netanyahu that they would have a Jesus meeting, a phrase used to denote a moment of reckoning before Israeli prime ministers change their minds.

Gallant the alternative

The Biden administration's attempts to personify its problems with Israel in Netanyahu mean there appears to be room for a U.S.-backed alternative. Many view former War Minister Benny Gantz as the most likely candidate, but his resignation and return to the opposition earlier this month, as well as a general decline in his popularity among the Israeli public, could make him a less attractive character to support.

This opens the door to Gallant, who, although a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party, has shown an independent streak in the past. Gallant criticized the prime minister for the lack of a post-war plan for Gaza, echoing US criticism in May. And remember, Gallant was fired by Netanyahu in March 2023 because the defense ministers disagreed with him over the highly controversial plans to overhaul the judiciary. It was only a massive public outcry that led to Gallant’s reinstatement.

With that in mind, an alternative reading of Gallant’s trip to the US is that it is also an attempt to undermine Netanyahu just a month before the prime minister travels to Washington, where he will address a joint session of Congress. Gallant used his time in the US capital to make a pointed remark that differences between families, as in the US, should remain internal, a not-so-subtle dig given Netanyahu’s public criticism of the Biden administration.

To be clear, Gallant is not a pacifist. He has fully supported Israel’s actions in Gaza and, along with Netanyahu, faces a possible case before the International Criminal Court if the judges approve the chief prosecutor’s arrest warrant request.

One of the main points of his agenda in the United States was to mobilize support for a possible attack on Hezbollah, possibly involving a ground invasion.

U.S. officials have indicated that Washington would not be as supportive of the plan. But the opportunity to make his case in the corridors of American power allows Gallant to return to Israel in a stronger position to confront Netanyahu if he ever decides to act.




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