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General election live: Tories hint at bid to replace Rishi Sunak in leadership contest as chancellor questions gambling scandal.

General election live: Tories hint at bid to replace Rishi Sunak in leadership contest as chancellor questions gambling scandal.


Conservative election betting probe: Welsh minister says there will be zero tolerance for breaking rules

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With opinion polls showing a bleak picture for the Conservative Party, many are already preparing for a landslide of seats in the general election.

Several cabinet members have expressed ambitions to replace Rishi Sunak in the inevitable Conservative leadership contest if the prime minister is defeated on July 4.

While Kemi Badenoch, Tom Tugendhat, former Immigration Secretary Robert Jenrick and Home Office Secretary James Cleverley have all left open the possibility of running, Steve Baker is the last person to hint at the possibility of running.

As his party braces for defeat, Mr Sunak faces questions over whether he told gambling scandal-ridden candidate Craig Williams about the election date.

On the campaign trail in Derbyshire, the First Minister dodged questions about whether action had been taken against other party figures, insisting he would not speculate while the Gambling Commission investigation was ongoing.

This comes as a new MRP poll predicts the UK Reform Party will win 18 seats in the upcoming general election, with the Conservatives taking 15% of the vote.

Key Points Show Latest Update 1719524746 Views: Labor's knife crime policy is like putting a collar on XL Bully, says victim's friend Labor's knife crime policy is like putting a collar on XL Bully, says victim's friend

Labour's response to knife crime is like putting a collar on an XL Bully dog, an audience member of BBC Question Time said during Thursday's (June 27) episode. The party's manifesto aims to halve knife crime within 10 years and pledges to refer any young person caught with a knife to a youth offending team and provide a plan to prevent re-offending with punishments including curfews, tags and detention. . Steven Rhodes, whose friend Tom Ellis was stabbed to death in Nuneaton on June 8, described Labour's offender tag scheme as being like putting a collar on an XL Bully… he could still get bitten.

Jane DaltonJune 27, 2024 22:45

1719523829Farage suggested lockdown rules were being ignored.

Nigel Farage has suggested the UK has flouted lockdown rules during the pandemic after claiming the second and third lockdowns were completely ignored.

Speaking in Sunderland, he said: The Conservatives say they are struggling economically because of the pandemic. But wait a minute, we didn't have to have a second or third lockdown. We didn't have to take away our freedoms in a way that wasn't done even during the Second World War, and all of that was done with Labour's support.

In fact, I believe that the long-term economic and psychological damage caused by the second and third lockdowns was the biggest mistake any opposition-backed British government has ever made in peacetime.

I don't know about the Downing Street party, but to be honest, I have completely despised the last two lockdowns. And I'm sorry that I think the government has gone too, too far.

(Getty Images)

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 22:30

1719522946 views: Kemi Badenoch vows she will never shut up about the divisive agenda of diversity politics. Badenoch vows he will never shut up about the divisive agenda of diversity politics

Kemi Badenoch vowed she would never be silent on the divisive agenda of diversity politics as she addressed the British Chambers of Commerce annual conference on Thursday 27 June. The Equalities Secretary told the audience that Labour’s vision of the future economy was one of micromanaging businesses to achieve political objectives, and that this included the divisive agenda of identity politics, one of my favourite topics. After David Tennant suggested that she wished for a world where a Conservative politician would shut up and no longer exist, Tennant hit back at him for being a persistent bigot on LGBTQ+ rights.

Jane DaltonJune 27, 2024 22:15

1719522029Are you two really the best we've got?: The election boils down to a stark question for Sunak and Starmer.

A voter asked Rishi Sunakand and Sir Keir Starmer directly whether they were really the best in last night's election debate, drawing thunderous applause from the audience, Athena Stavrou reports.

Sunak and Starmer traded heated blows in a head-to-head election debate on the BBC on Wednesday night.

Labour and Conservative leaders attacked each other on immigration, tax and Brexit as they took questions from an audience in Nottingham.

But it was the question about the rival's personal qualities that drew the loudest applause.

Robert Blackstock asked: Are you two truly the best candidates to be our country's next Prime Minister?

Salma WagiraJune 27, 2024 22:00

1719520229Hollywood actor Hugh Grant supports Green Party co-leader Carla Denier

Green Party co-leader Carla Denier was praised as an honest politician by actor Hugh Grant, who supported her as a candidate for the Bristol central election.

The Love Actually star's endorsement was included in the election leaflet, with Grant saying: “It's really refreshing to see an honest politician who puts the public first. Bristol Central is very lucky to have Carla Denier as its MP.

Since 2015, the Bristol Central seat has been held by Tangam Devonaire, Labour's shadow culture and sport secretary, who is running for re-election. The Green Party has identified this constituency as one of its target seats, with the aim of securing four MPs in the House of Commons on July 4.

In 2019, Grant said he had considered formally entering politics but decided instead to focus on pushing for a tactical vote and urging people to do everything they could to stop a Conservative government.

(Getty Images)

Salma WaguiraJune 27, 2024 21:30

1719519346Watch: Starmer explains why he has sympathy for Gareth SouthgateStarmer explains why he has sympathy for Southgate as he comments on Palmer debate

Sir Keir Starmer has said he is backing England all the way to Euro 2024 as he explains his sympathy for Gareth Southgate. In an interview with Channel 5 News, the Labour leader drew comparisons between himself and the England manager. “I got to the point where I could win this election by switching parties and pretty much everyone had their say,” said Keir. “The same thing is happening to Gareth now.” Keir also weighed in on the Cole Palmer debate, admitting he is not sure he will start the Chelsea player next game but admits he is a real talent.

Jane DaltonJune 27, 2024 21:15

From fears to regrets, an emotional Keir Starmer reveals what drives him.

Sir Keir Starmer has given his most revealing interview to date about his fears for his family, his regrets and the inner rage that drives him to change his country.

The Labour leader has often been accused of being too robotic or lacking passion and personality.

But just before he cracked the top 10, he gave an emotional interview to Geordie Greig, editor-in-chief of The Independent, which brought tears to his eyes as he expressed his deepest feelings about his life and family. He said:

Why his wife Victoria is his rock As he prepares to move his family to Downing Street, how his teenage children fear their lives are about to change dramatically How they're taking the crap out of their father How he decided not to take Blair's life advice Top 10 Regrets about never telling his late father he loved him How a mother's determination to overcome a lifelong illness gave her the drive to make change How he stood up to homophobic thugs – and was beaten when he intervened From regret to fear, an emotional Keir Starmer reveals what drives him.

The Labour leader is often accused of lacking passion and personality. But just days before the general election, Starmer, speaking with editor Geordie Greig, managed to contain his anger and reveal what drove him to the heights of power and the fears he would have for his family if he did. 10

Salma OuaguiraJune 27, 2024 21:00

1719517229Has Labor given up the fight against Nigel Farage in Clacton?

Salma WagwiraJune 27, 2024 20:40

1719516029Where do all party manifestos stand on key policy areas?

Salma WagwiraJune 27, 2024 20:20

1719514829Views: Economy Secretary admits betting on Conservative election win: I'm still optimisticKevin Hollinrake admits betting on Conservative election win: I'm still optimistic

Salma WagwiraJune 27, 2024 20:00




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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