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When is Nigel Farage's BBC Question Time special? How to watch the debate

When is Nigel Farage's BBC Question Time special?  How to watch the debate


Does the discussion conflict with the football match?

Because of the tight TV schedule, there were many instances where debate times clashed with soccer game times.

Football fans and political observers were torn on June 7 as the BBC's spat with seven political parties coincided with an international warm-up match between England and Iceland on Channel 4.

England played Denmark on the day of the BBC's Question Time special, but the game's early finish at 5pm meant it finished at 8pm when the election programme.

Who won the previous debate?

In the ITV leaders' debate on June 4, Mr Sunak was very confident and gave one of the best performances seen in an election debate, says Janet Daley.

Tom Harris, on the other hand, argued that Sir Keir Starmer had used the opportunity more effectively to criticise the record of the Prime Minister's ruling party.

BBC Leaders Debate, 7 June

Cheryl Jacobs has argued that Nigel Farage played a key role in helping to dislodge the Conservatives from the party of choice on the right.

But Tom Harris was not convinced, saying the SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn and Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerthfarth did the best job.

Battle for top 10 on Sky News, June 12

Tim Stanley said the public's reaction was worse because of the annoying encounter at Sky.

Tom Harris claimed he struggled with criticism over Sir Keir's arrogance, while Janet Daley said Sir Sunack was more convincing.

June 13, ITV leaders debate

For Tim Stanley, Nigel Farage and Stephen Flynn were the big winners.

Sam Ashworth-Hayes said Angela Rayner had shown some awareness of the need for big ideas to fix the NHS.

Tom Harris claimed that the main losers were the audience, as all participants in the debate appeared together in the BBC debate on 7 June.

BBC Question Time Leader Interview Special, June 20

Sam Ashworth-Hayes said Sir Ed Davey and John Sweeney did not get a good result from his half-hour interrogation.

We've already heard Sir Keir Starmer's response to Team Stanley, and although Mr Sunakshand looked lively, his expression was stern.

BBC Head to Head Debate June 26

Gordon Rayner praised Rishi Sunnack for finally finding his inner fighter and lashing out at Sir Keir – but wondered if he had come too late in the campaign.

For Tim Stanley, Sir Keir Starmer was at his worst, dim-witted and tactless, while Mr Sunak had nothing to lose and was sparkling and effective.

Tom Harris believes Mr Sunack, a strong fighter, won by choking Sir Keir at every opportunity, but missed the chance to land the killing blow when he fiercely criticised the Labour leader for his support for Jeremy Corbyn.




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