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Simone Biles is a lock for the US Olympic team, but who will join her?


Simone Biles is set to make her third Olympic team this weekend at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials in Minneapolis. The event is pretty much a formality for the GOAT, but who are the other gymnasts eyeing the 2024 Paris Games?

With the men's team set to be named Saturday and the women's team Sunday, here's everything you need to know about the Olympic Trials and Team USA's rising gymnastics stars.

How is the Olympic gymnastics team selected?

The top overall athlete after two days of competition at the trials will automatically earn a spot on the five-member women's Olympic team. The other four women competing in Paris will be determined by a selection committee, which will use results from previous trials and competitions to complete the team.

Stream every moment and every medal of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on Peacock, starting with the Opening Ceremony on July 26 at 12 p.m. ET.

Four Olympic alternates will also be named in Minneapolis, two of whom will travel to Paris to train with the team.

The U.S. team's composition revolves primarily around the team final competition, where the team gold medal is awarded. Three gymnasts compete on each apparatus, and all three scores count.

Selecting the gymnasts who can maximize Team USA's score in the 3-up-3-count format is often compared to putting together a puzzle. Choosing the team isn't always as simple as selecting the top five all-around finishers at the trials.

If the top five in the all-around all score well on vault and floor, for example, but weak on the uneven bars and balance beam, taking the top five gymnasts to Paris would leave the U.S. team vulnerable in those events. To maximize the team's score, the selection committee could select an athlete who may have finished lower in the all-around but is the nation's leading scorer on bars and beam.

On the men's side, the five-member team competes on six apparatus. The automatic spot is tougher to earn, requiring a gymnast to finish first in the all-around and in the top three in at least three events. No male gymnast did that at the U.S. Championships in Fort Worth, Texas.

Who is in the running for the Olympic team?

Twenty men and 16 women will compete for a spot at the Olympics this weekend. Top contenders on the men's side include national all-around champion Brody Malone, world all-around bronze medalist Fred Richard, Khoi Young, Yul Moldauer, Asher Hong, Donnell Whittenburg and Shane Wiskus.

The U.S. men are seeking their first Olympic medal since 2008 after winning a bronze at last year's world championships.

While 15 female gymnasts are participating in the trials, only about 11 are in discussions to make the Paris Olympic team.

Skye Blakely, a 19-year-old from Texas, was a favorite for the Paris team before the trials, but she suffered a season-ending Achilles tendon injury while training for the podium on Wednesday. She was a member of the gold medal-winning teams at the 2022 and 2023 world championships and recently finished second in the all-around behind Biles at the U.S. championships.

FavoritesSimone Biles

Barring serious injury or other unforeseen calamities, Biles goes to Paris. She is the reigning world all-around champion and a 37-time world and Olympic medalist. Her scoring potential is the highest of any gymnast in the world, and she is the favorite to win Olympic gold medals in the all-around, vault and floor exercise. For Biles, the trials are more about mental preparation, so she can simulate the pressure of an Olympic crowd before Paris.

Simone Biles competes at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium on October 4. Kenzo Tribouillard / AFP via Getty ImagesShilese Jones

Before the U.S. Championships a few weeks ago, many would have labeled Jones, a six-time world medalist, as a lock for the Paris team. However, Jones’ status is a bit of a question mark heading into the trials after she withdrew from the championships with a shoulder injury. At the Classic in May, she established herself as the country’s strongest all-around gymnast behind Biles, finishing second in the all-around and winning the uneven bars. If she comes close to that level in Minneapolis, Jones will most likely make her first Olympic team after falling short in 2021.

Shilese Jones competes at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium on October 8. Geert vanden Wijngaert / AP fileSuni Lee

Lee, the reigning Olympic all-around champion, is not as strong on all four events as she was in Tokyo, after battling kidney disease last year. However, her prospects in Paris are still promising due to her medal potential on the balance beam and uneven bars.

Over the course of two days at the U.S. Championships, Lee has delivered spectacular routines on beam, solidifying her potential as an asset the U.S. would certainly use on that event in the team final. Lee hopes to increase her overall score to prove she can be relied upon in all four events in a pinch, but her bars and beam could be enough for the selection committee to select her.

Suni Lee competes at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships on June 2.Elsa/Getty ImagesTop contendersJordan Chiles

Chiles fulfilled her Olympic dreams in 2021 by winning a silver medal in the team event at the Tokyo Games. Like some other gymnasts in this category, Chiles is a well-rounded all-around competitor, but she lacks one standout event. She is unlikely to medal individually at the Olympics if she were part of the team, but she can prove at trials that she can be counted on to cover any apparatus in the team competition.

If Biles, Jones, Blakely and Lee make the team, Chiles could secure fifth place with a good score on the floor exercise and a good all-around result over the two days of competition.

Jordan Chiles at the US Gymnastics Championships. Elsa File/Getty ImagesJade Carey

The reigning Olympic floor champion, Carey, in great shape, would complete this team in many ways. She is obviously strong on floor and also has medal potential on vault. She is an expert at peaking at the right time and has landed an Amanar vault in training. She is still in the running for her second Olympic team.

Kayla DiCello

After being named an alternate for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, DiCello is back for another chance to realize her Olympic dream. She took a year off from competing in NCAA gymnastics for the University of Florida to return to her elite club and train for Paris. It appears that decision paid off for DiCello, whose bronze medal at the championships had “Olympian” written all over it. She struggles with consistency at times, but if she nails eight out of eight routines this weekend, it could be her year.

Kayla DiCello during a practice session Wednesday for the team tryouts. Matt Blewett / Icon Sportswire via AP Leanne Wong

After a disappointing performance at the championships, Wong appeared on track to repeat as an Olympic alternate. During a practice session in Minneapolis on Wednesday, she threw a Cheng safe, potentially intercepting that narrative. Wong’s increased difficulty could pay off if she succeeds, but last-minute improvements aren’t always worth the risk.

Her gymnastics is breathtaking to watch, and she's hoping to regain her consistency from start to finish in the quad, having won a gold medal in the team event at the last two world championships and a silver medal in the individual all-around at the 2021 world championships.

Leanne Wong at the US Gymnastics Championships. Kyle Okita/Sipa via Reuters Potential Dark Horses Joscelyn Roberson

Roberson trains at the World Champions Center alongside Biles. She had a breakout 2023 and made the world team last fall, although she was injured just before the team final. She is a powerhouse gymnast whose best events are floor and vault, but she is surpassed by gymnasts with similar strengths.

Only Lincoln

Like Jones, Lincoln is coming back from an injury and had to file a petition to compete at the trials. She's here primarily for one event, floor exercise, which also happens to be the weakest in the U.S. right now. It's very possible that Lincoln could finish in the top three on that event at the trials, but unfortunately, she's not the strongest all-around gymnast.

Lincoln's floor would maximize the U.S. team's scoring potential in the team final, but the selection committee could decide it's too risky to take a gymnast who can't set usable scores on bars and beam in case another team member falls.

Hezly Rivera

Before the championships, very few people had Rivera, a first-year senior, on their Olympic team. After a surprise sixth place there, she finds herself in the conversation for the Parisian team. She lacks international experience and her best events are the same as Lee's, so she will most likely be relegated to another position at this point. However, if top contenders struggle with consistency, she could be a wild card pick for the team.

Tiana Sumanasekera

Sumanasekera, the beam queen and fellow GOAT trainee, was one of the few gymnasts to nail all of her routines at the championships. Making the Paris team may be unlikely for her, but she could earn an alternate spot. The future is bright for Sumanasekera, 16, who is expected to stick around until Los Angeles 2028 to try to compete at the home Olympics.




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