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USMNT vs. Panama: Starting XI and Lineup Notes | Copa America 2024

USMNT vs. Panama: Starting XI and Lineup Notes |  Copa America 2024


ROSTER NOTESUSMNT vs. PanamaCopa Amrica 2024 | Group Stage Match No. 227 June 2024Mercedes-Benz Stadium; Atlanta, GeorgiaPre-game coverage: 5 p.m. ET on FOX, Univision, TUDNKickoff: 6 p.m. ET on FOX, Univision, TUDN, FDP RadioSocial: @USMNT on X and Instagram; US Soccer on Facebook, The US Soccer App

Tonight's USMNT starting lineup against Panama: 1-Matt Turner; 3-Chris Richards, 4-Tyler Adams, 5-Antonee Robinson, 7-Gio Reyna, 8-Weston McKennie, 10-Christian Pulisic (captain), 13-Tim Ream, 20-Folarin Balogun, 21-Tim Weah, 22-Joe Scally

Substitutes: 18-Ethan Horvath, 25-Sean Johnson, 2-Cameron Carter-Vickers, 6-Yunus Musah, 9-Ricardo Pepi, 11-Brenden Aaronson, 12-Miles Robinson, 14-Luca de la Torre, 15-Johnny Cardoso , 16-Shaq Moore, 17-Malik Tillman, 19-Haji Wright, 23-Kristoffer Lund, 24-Mark McKenzie, 26-Josh Sargent


USMNT starting XI selection numbers (including this match): Christian Pulisic (70), Tim Ream (60), Weston McKennie (55), Antonee Robinson (45), Matt Turner (43), Tyler Adams (41), Tim Weah (41), Gio Reyna (30), Chris Richards (20), Folarin Balogun (14), Joe Scally (13). USMNT starting XI cap numbers in official competition (including this match): Christian Pulisic (49), Matt Turner (33), Weston McKennie (32), Tim Ream (31), Antonee Robinson (29), Tyler Adams (23), Tim Weah (21), Gio Reyna (18), Chris Richards (11), Folarin Balogun (8), Joe Scally (7). Today's starting XI has an average age of 25 years and 343 days. The starting XI's average of 23 caps in official competition is the highest number under Gregg Berhalter. The squad also has an average of 38.3 caps overall. Berhalter is starting the same XI that played Bolivia on Sunday night. It's the first time he's started the same lineup in consecutive matches since the 2021 Concacaf Gold Cup quarterfinals and semifinals against Jamaica and Qatar, respectively. The backline of Antonee Robinson, Tim Ream, Chris Richards and Joe Scally start together for the fourth straight match, marking the first time since the 2011 Concacaf Gold Cup that the USMNT has used the same back four in four consecutive matches. Nearly 14 years after making his international debut, veteran defender Tim Ream earns his 50th start in his 60th cap for the USMNT. Midfielder Tyler Adams starts consecutive matches for the first time since the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Christian Pulisic becomes the seventh player to captain the USMNT 25 times. The United States has a record of 17W-3L-4L when Pulisic wears the armband. Pulisic's four career goals against Panama are tied for the most by any USMNT player, joining Jozy Altidore, Clint Dempsey, Landon Donovan and Eddie Johnson. The forward scored the opening goal in a 4-0 World Cup qualifying win on Oct. 6, 2017, and then scored a hat trick in the team's 5-1 qualifying victory on May 27, 2022. Tonight's match marks the 10th time the forward trio of Folarin Balogun, Christian Pulisic and Tim Weah will start together. In their first nine matches, the three players have combined for 19 goals (12 goals, 7 assists) and have had at least one player involved in 14 of the USMNT's 23 goals scored during that span. Midfielder Gio Reyna has six goals (two goals, four assists) in his last five appearances against Concacaf opposition. Reyna also scored his first international goal against Panama, netting in the 18th minute of the United States' 6-2 victory on Nov. 16, 2020 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Chris Richards also made his debut in the 2020 friendly against Panama. WARNING: Midfielder Weston McKennie is yellow-carded in this match. Should he receive another yellow card tonight, he would serve a one-match suspension in next Monday's group stage final against Uruguay. Gregg Berhalter has a record of 44W-15L-13L in 72 games as USMNT head coach and 29W-7L-7L in 43 competitive games. The USMNT has a record of 17W-2L-7L against Panama and 13W-2L-7L against La Marea Roja in competitive games. After Mexico, Panama is the second most common opponent for the United States since 2010, with tonight's game marking the 19th meeting in the last 14 years. A win for the United States tonight against Panama combined with a win for Uruguay or a draw against Bolivia would see the USMNT advance to the 2024 Copa Amrica Quarterfinals. Five substitutions are allowed at three different times. Halftime does not count as a substitution. Tonight’s match will be officiated by El Salvador’s Ivn Barton. This is the seventh USMNT match that Barton has officiated with the United States with a score of 5W-0L-1L in the previous six. His last three matches with the United States include the 2-0 World Cup Qualifying win over Mexico on November 12, 2021, the 5-1 World Cup Qualifying win over Panama on March 27, 2022, and the 3-0 Concacaf Nations League semifinal win over Mexico on June 15, 2023.




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